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The next week at school, rikka and one of the students of the student council are carrying stack of papers. Rikka saw two female students, with one having a cloth covering her right broken arms. They were pleading to mana about something. Rikka gave the member her stack of papers, as he struggle to keep the balance.

Rikka:wait right there!

She ran to mana.

Mana:i haven't said anything yet.

Rikka turned her attention to the female students.

Rikka:you're probably asking Her to play in a match for you, right?

Female student 1:how did you know?

Rikka:that broken arms makes things clear as day. Softball club captain, chiba.

The one with the wrapped arm called"chiba"and the other girl could only do is nervously chuckle.

Rikka:you've got your hands full, being a precure and the student council president.. You don't have the time to accept all these help requests...

Mana:but they really seem to be in trouble...

Female student 2:that's right.

Mana and rikka turned their attention back to one of the girls.

Female student 2:the next match is key to making it past the preliminaries!

Chiba/female student 2:please.

Mana:i understand. Leave it to me.


The two girls were surprise that mana is willing to help them.

Chiba:thank you.

Female student 2:let's glad and decided when you be meeting with the team.

Rikka:wait, mana!

The girls took mana and were walking their way to the field.




At the field, mana is in her gym uniform and playing as the pitcher. She threw the ball to the catcher as the catcher caught the ball, and the batter did not have time to reach due to how fast mana threw the ball. Mana threw it again and again until the batter is out, Surprised chiba and the others girl.

Female student 2:so fast.

Chiba:it's not just the speed. The pitches gave impact and they're difficult to predict.

Female student 2:why didn't you recruits her?

Chiba:huh? I tried!but...

Mana:what's wrong?

The two girls turned back to mana who is checking up on the batter.

Female student 3:the laces on my cleats got cut off.

Mana:i have a pair of backup cleats. You can borrow them.

Female student 3:thanks, president.

Chiba:she likes helping out more than joining a club, that's why.

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