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Last time,joe o sir Johnathan saved the precure at the last second before things got worst.

Sword:that armor!it's a mark of a warrior of the trump kingdom!what was your relationship with princess?

Johnathan:my name is Jonathan klondike princess ann fiance.


Sword:the princess fiance..?



Back to blade, blade was blocking Leangle attack and dodging him.

Blade:stop!stop it, mutsuki!

Blade rolls to the side and blocks another swings of leangle rouzer. He was thrust by Leangle in the chest, sending him back. Blade draws out his deck of cards. Leangle reacts immediately and drew the remote card out, quickly, then scanning it on his rouzer.


as blade draw out the kick, thunder and mach card, leangle fired purple beams at blade cards from the remote card. The three cards floats to the air and releasing the locust undead, deer undead and cheetah undead. The three undeads attack him at once, making him stagger back. Blade readies himself in a stance with his blade on his hands. Leangle charges forward and smacks the three undead proceeds to run away.

He pushes blade's sword upwards and hits him in the chest again. Blade did not have him to block another attack and gets hit again.


He blocks and pushes leangle staff back.

Blade:stop, mutsuki!

Blade gets hit in the chest and was sent flying back. Blade touches his chest and saw leangle walking toward him until leangle stop and stood frozen. Leangle drop his staff and began groaning in pain while the sound overwhelms his head. He held his head and fell on his knees, leaving blade confused and concerned of what was happening to him. Leangle scream from the headache, and the belt moves the switch back to it's original place. The projection comes out of the belt and Transform leangle back into mutsuki while the belt fell of his waist.


Blade places his sword back to holster and walks up to Mutsuki. He picks him up grabbing his sweater.

Blade:idiot!what were you trying to do?!


Blade:don't"what"me!don't play dumb!

Blade aggressive shakes mutsuki by his sweater.

Mutsuki:I'm sorry, but i don't remembered anything...

Blade let go of Mutsuki and was now confused.


He pull the lever of his buckle and removes his card, transforming back to naoya. Naoya looks down at the belt and card on the ground, then picks it up and examines them. He looks back at mutsuki.

Naoya:you.. Come with me.

He grabbed mutsuki by his sweater and drags him to the motorcycle, then drives off.

Kamen Rider Blade And Doki Doki Precure.Where stories live. Discover now