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Makoto was in a filming room, performing and singing songbird again.

Makoto:let's go!~one, two, three, four!fly!!!fly!!!


After the filming, makoto went into her room with DB.

DB:the tickets for you next concert has already sold out, and they want you to do an encore performance.

DB turned to makoto, but she seemed down And confused at the same time.

DB:makoto, is something wrong?

Makoto:should i.. really be singing?

DB was surprise at her question.

Makoto:I've been singing so that i can find the princess. In the end, it was not use at all.

DB:that's not true. It's not only for the princess sake. You have lots of fans out there. Everyone is looking forward to your songs and upcoming ones.

Makoto pondered and thought about her consideration.


At kotaro house, naoya told kotaro hajime knew that miyuki was an undead, and they kotaro was being targeted. Kotaro was surprised and anxious. But, he did not seemed to agree with that miyuki was an undead.

Hirose:what? Hajime aikawa told you that?

Naoya:that's right. I've also suspected that she was undead, as well.

Kotaro:so you're just going to listen to aikawa hajime?

Naoya:i mean, think about it. How else could the undead searched be jammed the last few days after you went with miyuki-san?

Kotaro:well, it could be my computer was old.

Hirose:but that doesn't explain why the undead searched was jammed, thought. You don't think she was the one who sabotaged it, do you?

Kotaro:but miyuki-san said that she's not good with machine.

Naoya:well, i guess. Maybe i was overreacting.

Kotaro:don't believe what hajime says. He can't be trusted,even if he is an undead. Besides, i think I've grown attached to miyuki-san.

Noaya grinned widely.

Naoya:you like her, don't you?

Kotaro blushed embarrassment, as he scratched his hair.

Kotaro:um, i wouldn't say i like her.. I just have a good feelings.

Naoya:then that means you like her!

Hirose then joined in with the teasing with naoya.

Hirose:could it be your first love?

Kotaro was streaming red.

Kotaro:stop it!don't tease other like that.

Kotaro got up and went to the kitchen to pop some bottle of milk and gulping them down in his throat. Hirose leaned closer to naoya.

Hirose:he's definitely in love.

Naoya nodded in agreement, then something came up in his head.

Naoya:oh, i almost forgot. A new Precure recently showed up.

Kotaro spat out his milk and coughed. Hirose and kotaro turned to naoya with shock expression.


Kotaro:did you say a new precure showed up?!

Naoya simply nodded his head.

Noaya:she goes by cure ace. She's strong.

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