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Previously on kamen rider blade and dokidoki Precure. Shima tried to stop the leangle from by spider undead as blade and others managed to stop leangle. But, shima and mutsuki was settle once for at all as shima use his ability wind to mutsuki to snapped his mind. But, leangle won't listen and continue attack at shima until he get seal by leangle as blade and his comrades are too late save for shima.

At that time, naoya and others return to the kotaro house as hirose tell them about the natural was gone when he floating the sky as they decided to the fight natural while rest of them take rest on the living room to calm down. Kotaro and others research natural while they call him out.



Mana:where are you, natural?

Kotaro:hey!where'd you go, natural?

Hajime:maybe you should give up.

They turn back to hajime where he sitting on tractor all alone as he seem calm while kotaro go front of him.

Kotaro:what are you saying? Natural isn't a wild bird. He can't live outside like this.

Hajime:i wonder...

Kotaro:what's that?!lately I've been thinking you're a good guy, but you still have that aspect!didn't shima-san originally leave natural to you? How irresponsible you are.

Kotaro claim that hajime wasn't take care of natural as he was irresponsible when shima leave to him. While he get off the tractor and go toward the bike.

Kotaro:you don't have enough human feelings.

Before amane pushed kotaro back to the ground as she defense on hajime and spoke to his uncle.

Amane:you said too much, kotaro!


Amane:apologized to hajime-san.

Amane tell kotaro apologized to hajime about be mean to him. Until they saw the hajime start engine on the motorcycle and drove off to leave the place as they notice it.


Amane turn back to her uncle and mock at him.

Amane:idiot!you suck!

Amane drove off to leave the place too while she follow hajime behind. Kotaro stand up while pick up the cage and go toward mana and others to research natural.

At the window, hirose was inside the living room with naoya and others who upset about shima who get seal by mutsuki as hirose worried face at kotaro about hajime.

Hirose:how do we tell shirai-kun? Shima-san was.. By leangle.

Hirose turn back naoya and others where seat down on the sofa and thinking about shima.

Naoya:however, it was clearly shima-san will.

Rikka:but, it's so hard to believe this really happened...

Hirose go front of them.

Hirose:so leangle, mutsuki-kun, what happened to him? Was he freed from category ace control?

Hirose asked them about Mutsuki was free from spider undead control.but, they seem quiet in silence as they don't know how to say.


Tachibana:is unknown..

They reply to hirose they don't know About mutsuki wasn't free from spider undead or not.


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