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At the selfish, headquarters, regina was sitting on the couch in the lobby with selfish trio, holding the red Royal crystal and looking at it.

Regina:pretty... It's really pretty.

She then sighed to herself.

Regina:i want more of these crystal...

Ira:just steal more of them, then.

Marmo:defeat the precure and take their crystal. Kill two birds with one stone.

Bel:that's what you should do. You are king Jikochu daughter, after all.

Regina smiled after hearing the suggestion.

Regina:you're right. But it's not fun to just steal them. After all, mana is my opponent. I have to make it fun.



At kotaro house, naoya, hirose, kotaro and tachibana were all in the living room with mutsuki. Mutsuki still has the same guilty expression from before.

Naoya:you get it now? The fearsome ness of that belt?

Mutsuki slowly turns to naoya and nodded his head.

Naoya:it's no use. Leangle belt should not be touched.

Mutsuki:I'm sorry once again.. I really am.

Noaya:as long as you understand. Just go back your normal life. You have a cute girlfriend, after all. Okay?

He pat Mutsuki shoulder a few times, and mutsuki nod his head again. He got up from a chair and made his way out of the house property. Hirose turned back to both naoya and tachibana.

Hirose:so.. Leangle belt is in kiryuu-san hands now?

Tachibana:yeah. Undoubtedly.

Kotaro:then that means that they're compatible with the belt?

Hirose:but.. If that's so...

Naoya:if that's so... Then what?

Hirose:kiryuu-san might be able to handle leangle belt. His will is strong. Maybe he can overcome the evil will of the undead.


They turn attention to tachibana.

Tachibana:the kiryuu-san you once knew.. Is gone.

Naoya got up from the couch and walks to tachibana.

Tachibana looks at naoya, who bowed his head to him.

Naoya:please!please meet with kiryuu-san. I've been thinking. The only one who can save kiryuu.. Is you, tachibana-san.

Naoya begging to tachibana meet with kiryuu as he only who can kiryuu from darkness.

Tachibana looks down and thought about it. Then, kotaro home phone rings, and he answer it.


Haruka:kotaro, you have to come here!it's an emergency.

Kotaro:eh? What's wrong, Nee-san?

Haruka:hajime has been ill since yesterday!hey, kotaro, can you do anything about this?!

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