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It was a late dark night in the cities and town with the full moon up. There were some people either walking their home or going Somewhere in general. Then, an undead that look like a wolf, was gazing down upon the remaining pedestrian from above, with the shadows covering most of it's body while it's yellow eye glowed in the darkness.

 Then, an undead that look like a wolf, was gazing down upon the remaining pedestrian from above, with the shadows covering most of it's body while it's yellow eye glowed in the darkness

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Wolf undead growled and jumped it's way down. After landing,it turned to the people as they panicked and screamed in sheer terror while a few ran off. The undead slashed two people throat with it's sharp claw, making them drop dead. It turned to the ones who ran away and went after them. One woman was still running for her life, but the wolf undead landed in front of her, stopping her track. It swiftly turned amd grabbed her by her neck,then it stabbed it's claw in her stomach.

The woman let out a deep gasp as she coughed out blood, then the undead pushed her to the ground. Then, it sensed the last person running away and went after him. The man panted as he continue running and sweating.

Man:someone, help!help me!

The wolf undead pouched at the man, and pinned him to the ground. The man screamed and tried to break free. The undead opened it's mouth and sinked it's mouth in his neck. The man let out a scream in agony once the undead bit his neck with great strength.

After the man stopped moving. The undead got up and wiped the blood off It's lips, then looked at the full moon and let out a loud howl. The body of it's victim began growing furs and their facial feature were becoming more wolf like.

The bodies now Transform into werewolves got up and howled along with the undead.



The next day, at an amusement park, mutsuki and nozomi were wondering around, looking for rides.

Mutsuki:hey nozomi, let's go over!

Nozomi looked at the carousel ride and smiled with a nod.


Mutsuki immediately dashed his way towards the ride while nozomi walked her way there. Once they got there, they rode on the horses on the carousel as they rotated. Mutsuki and nozomi laughed in joy and were having a great time on the ride. Next, they went on a drop ride. They tightened their grips on their setat.

The attendant for the ride made sure the people on the ride were ready and followed safety procedures. The attendant went and pulled the switch to activate the ride. The people on board either scream excitement or out of anxiety. Mutsuki did not scream, due to his training. Alice let out a little yep. After that, they went on a ferris wheel. The ferris wheel spun slowly as Mutsuki and Nozomi looking down at the building and other things from their sight.

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