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At kotaro house, naoya drove back and knocked on the door the two let him inside to share his result.

Naoya:where did tachibana go? Did the searcher detected anything?

Naoya:no, I've kept searching, but it hasn't caught undead.

Kotaro:tachibana-san... We knew this final battle was coming.

Naoya:what? What are you trying to say? This isn't a movie or a TV show!so what do you mean by that?!

Kotaro:then what will you do?!

Kotaro got up from his chair and went to the kitchen.

Kotaro:you want to fight, yet you can't. I don't want to think about it, either.

Hirose:but this is the only possibly... For now, we just have to wait. That's all we can do now.

Naoya looks down and grabbed his papers.

Naoya:I'm going to study in my room.

He got up from the couch and went up to the attic to do his assignment and studying for an upcoming test.

Naoya(thought):tachibana-san... Where did you go? Why did you disappeared out of sudden? If you're still out there... Please be safe. There's no way you are dead.

Then he started to have a little headache and saw an image of the trump kingdom and a little girl that looks like makoto.

Naoya:what the... What was that just now? Why did that place appeared in my head? And who was that girl?



At a container depot, tachibana was lying on the ground with his eyes closed and surrounds by containers.

Isaka:awaken, tachibana. Awaken.

Tachibana slowly opened his eyes and regained his consciousness. He woke up to see himself at a container depot, judging how many containers were set in place.

Isaka:regain your senses, tachibana

Tachibana got up from the ground and touched his head by his side when he heard isaka voice again.

Tachibana:where are you?!!why do i heard your voice?!

He kept looking around and could not located isaka anywhere.

Tachibana:you bastard!what have you done to me?!

Isaka:i have treated you. I have cured you fear. I made you the garren you were before.

Tachibana was understandable confused of isaka words and kept looking around for him.

Tachibana:what? What the hell do you mean by that?!

Isaka:why don't you go ahead and test your power?

The zebra undead jumped in front of tachibana to strike him down, and tachibana rolls back to Dodge the hit. The undead ran toward to deliver another punch, but tachibana moves to the side and forward.

Tachibana(thought):can i fight? Is my body really...

He pulled out his buckle and card to insert it inside of it to form the belt. Tachibana posed for his transformed, as he reached out his left hand and close it.

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