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Kamen rider blade and kamen rider Chalice saw the new rider as the new rider attacked both of them. Leangle draw a staff from his holster and dash toward Chalice. Chalice drew his arrow and slashed the rider, but he blocks the attack and kicks him in the gut. Chalice recover and swings his weapon at the rider again. But, he intercepts it again and slammed the tip of his staff against chalice gut. Then, the rider swings his staff at chalice which he blocked it and receivers punch to the face and a hit from the staff.

He clashed his arrow against leangle staff and pushed each other back. Chalice deliver a sidekick, in which the leangle block the kick with his staff and hitting chalice multiple time with his staff, sending chalice rolling to the ground.

Leangle:this is leangle power? You are too weak.

The leangle walked forward, pointing his staff at chalice getting up from the ground.


Blade intervened and drew his deck of cards, and chalice did the same by opening his pocket stored cards. The leangle saw them drawing their cards, and he opened his pocket of cards on the right side of the belt. He drew out a card with the tittle"remote tapir"then proceeds to scan it on the scanner on the tip of his staff.


The two riders attempt to scan their cards for their attack, but the rider holding the tapir card, shot out purple laser beam at blade and chalice cards. The two cards levitates in the air with the holograms of the tapir card appeared in front of the two cards, Surprise blade and chalice. Two hologram of the tapir card went through the two cards, releasing the centipedes undead and another undead that resemble a boar. The two undead pushed the riders aside and ran to their own separated directions. The leangle leaps over chalice and blade while landing on his motorcycle, chasing one of the fleeing unsealed undead. The two riders were stunned of what happened and the two undead that they fought before, were unsealed by tbe new kamen rider. Chalice then walks away, and blade ran to check on him.

Blade:hey, are you okay?

Chalice responded by pushing him away.

Chalice:i told you before, i will join no one!you may have saved me last time, but that won't happen again.

Chalice turn forward and rapidly walks away, which blade got annoyed of his words.

Blade:suit yourself!but.. If that guy was strong by himself, and we didn't even stand a chance, then who was that kamen rider? Could be..

Blade ran his way to his motorcycle and drove off, where he think the new kamen rider leangle left.



Back with precure, the can jikochuu shot multiple cans at the precure again, and they all jumped away from the incoming cans.

Sword:heart, let's go!


Diamond:we're ready as well.


Heart:diamond and Rosetta.

The precure summoned their love heart arrow and placed the loveads on the heart, then trace the four symbols.

Kamen Rider Blade And Doki Doki Precure.Where stories live. Discover now