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At the public garage, blade and garren were fighting the spider undead. The spider undead punch garren to pile of bricks and grabbed blade neck while pinning him to a wall. Garren got up and punched the undead, and then blade. Garren drew his rouzer and shoot the undead multiple time, causing the undead to stumble back.

Blade:stop it, tachibana-san.

Garren:don't standin my way!

Blade:please stop!

With blade trying to stop garren from fighting the category ace, the undead used it's chance to escape garage.

Garren:as i am now, i can seal the category ace.

He struggle off to blade grasp, but blade continue to pull him away and pinned him against a wall.

Blade:you're being tricked!sayoko-san is worried about you.



In the hospital, sayoko is sitting in her office, still worrying about tachibana and the plant he is using on his body. She was on the phone with Someone who examined about the seaweed tachibana used, and she was shocked in disbelief.

Sayoko:what?!is that true?!yes. Okay, i understand. Thank you very much.

She ends the call with tbe examiner and dials tachibana phone number.

Sayoko:please answer, tachibana-kun.

Phone:after the sound, please leave a message.

Sayoko sighs and decided to leave a voice message.

Sayoko:it's me, sayoko. Please call as soon as you hear this. It's terrible.

Then, isaka levitate up to sayoko window while looking at her in annoyance..

Sayoko:eventually, your plants will-

Isaka shoots a fireball at sayoko window, causing her to shriek and pass out.

Isaka:don't do anything unnecessary. This is your warning. Do not stand in tachibana way.


Back to blade, garren got his motorcycle chase the category ace down, but was stopped by blade.

Blade:tachibana-san, wait!

Garren grab his armor and pull him closer.

Garren:i don't care. This is the path i will go!

He let go of blade and left to follow the undead. Blade followed behind by riding on his motorcycle.

Blade:"i can't let that man have the category ace!he's trying to create another rider, so why is tachibana-san acting like his lackey? Please open your eyes, tachibana-san!

He managed to speed up and leaps with his motorcycle in the air while knocking Garren off.

Blade:please understand, tachibana-san. But, i can't let that man that undead!

He drove off, leaving garren to lay near at pillar.

Garren:that guy...!

On blade's way, he saw a car that was stranded in the middle of the road in a tunnel.

Blade:this is..

He get off his bike and went to examine the car, only to see a skeleton covered in spider webs who was once alive in the driver seat.

Kamen Rider Blade And Doki Doki Precure.Where stories live. Discover now