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At kotaro house,the girls, the fairies, and ai were over at kotaro house. The girls and naoya were on the couches while the fairies played with ai, except for dabyi as she was reading a newspaper in her human form. Shima was out for the moment. Hirose and kotaro were still shocked about the truth about naoya, especially with his relationship with makoto.

Kotaro:to think that kenzaki-kun is actually from the trump kingdom is..


Kotaro:exactly. Not to mention that makopi and kenzaki-kun are actually step brother and sister.

Hirose:that's crazy.

Rikka nodded her head in agreement.

Rikka:right that.

Naoya crossed his arms on his chest.

Naoya:yeah, but I'm happy that i still have a family.

He turned to makoto and gave her a smile in which she also returned with her own.


Mana:i wonder how this will turn out for you guys.

Aguri:i can feel that the bonds between you two will be much stronger than before.

The others nodded in agreement with smiles, and the kenzakis smiled in response.

Naoya:hey, makoto, can you tell me what i was like back when we were still little kids?

Mana rushed up to makoto with excitement, causing her to lean back a bit.

Mana:yeah, tell us!oh, please!oh, please!oh, please tell us!what was little naoya-san like? Actually, why don't you tell us what you both were like as kids?

This caused the others to be sweatdrop with their respective expressions.


Makoto managed to compose herself and let out a small smile.

Makoto:sure, but if only, you know, give me some space?

Mana:oh, right!sorry about that!i will sit back down.

Mana quicky returned to the couch she was sitting on and was still shaking excitement.

Makoto:hm.. Let's see.. We would always go out to play with each others how kids usually do. Oniichan would always act brave and courages.

Naoya:oh... Is that right?

Makoto:mm-hmm, i, on the other hand, was also like you, but you tended to be more exciting than me. You would always protect and help me when needed.

DB took her gaze away from the newspaper and smiled.

Hirose:really? Then i guess he was great big brother?

Hirose gave naoya a teasing smile, and kotaro did the same.

Kotaro:kenzaki-kun as a big brother? That is something i can totally see.


Rikka:who knew?

Alice:that is quite admirable.

Aguri:indeed it is.

Naoya was embarrassed at the compliments and teasing while rubbing the back of his hairs.

Naoya:oh, come on, guys. You're embarrassing me here.

Makoto:also, oniichan even though about joining the military when he is older so that he could protect the people and the trump kingdom.

Mana:ah, that's so sweet.

Hirose:a Knight in shinning armor? Wow, well, he became a kamen rider blade, so that adds more to it.

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