chapter 2

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Only once, back when I thought his name was Danny, had he ever shown a slight sign of not being a narcissistic asshole. While still, of course, being a narcissistic asshole.

This was in my second year, when, through the hate Draco put on me through others, spreading rumors about me and bieng incredibly rude to me, I was bothered by these gullible people around who believed I was an idiot because an idiot had told them so, causing me to believe them too.

I had just walked into the common room, where Draco was sitting on the dark green couch in the corner. 

"Danny,"I had said, like one who hates another greets one who hates them.

"It's Draco, Draco Malfoy."He said without looking at me.

"Oh."I had said.

He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye.

"How do you write good essays for potions?"He asked me, like he hadn't spent the past two years ruining my life.

That afternoon we had talked, just talked, and it was nice. He was rude, but it was nice. We talked about how Dumbledore was weird, Quiddich, and that kid Pottah.(Pottah was nice) I didn't really know what I was saying, but I didn't care. In that moment, it was all about Draco Malfoy. I had forgotten what it was like to talk to someone. It hadn't occurred to me to get a therapist. Which was stupid.

But after that, Draco had pretended like it never happened, like I was still just some stupid mudblood who poisons his air. Only I'm smarter than him, so , you know, not too stupid and I dont like the poisoning air spell thingy. It takes too long and it drains all my energy. Tried it once on myself, didn't work out at all. I ended up in the infirmary. I was not gonna waste that much energy on poisoning Draco Malfoys fucking air.  

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