chapter 24

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Rosie's point of view 

"Really Rosie? You kissed Draco malfoy?"Hermionies voice rang throughout the air, attracting unwanted whispers from the nearby fifth years. 

"I'd rather kiss a rat!" I exclaimed, running a hand nervously through my hair.

Hermionie snorted." When asked you if you did, you turned red. You obviously kissed him. And he is a rat, so I guess your wish came true."

I narrowed my eyes at her. " Well, maybe."

Her eyes widened."Are you sure he's not planning something?"

"He probably is. But he's a good kisser. And he gave me this necklace."I shrugged, reaching up to touch the pretty emerald gem.

"Remind me again how many people you've kissed?"

I grabbed her face, pulling her in and placing my lips on hers before pulling away. "Two," I said, watching as she turned red. 

"You can't just do that, Rosie!"she whisper- shouted, looking kind of angry. 

I pointed behind her. Pansy was staring at me like she desperately wanted to murder me(She wouldn't be the first:)."Look who else wants a kiss."

Hermionie blushed, if possible, even more. She smiled, waving tentatively at Pansy, who waved back, also blushing. I smirked, raising my eyebrows at Hermionie, who looked away, still blushing.

"Hello Potter," I greeted Harry, who had just walked up to us. 

Harry ignored me, looking at Hermionie."I need help."

"You always need help, Harry. That's nothing new."I said, watching as Hermionie and Pansy obliviously flirted with their eyes from across the courtyard.

"Hermionie?"Harry nudged her on the shoulder.

She snapped back to the real world. "What is it, Harry?"

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