chapter 8

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That night, after dinner where Rosie was back to her normal non-swollen self, I was laying in my bed, thinking about her and her laugh and her green eyes. In my defense, I was only thinking about her because I liked the color green, nothing more. And her laugh just sounded good. 

I heard music upstairs, an annoying sound of muggle tunes that made it hard to sleep. 

Groaning, I got up from my bed and exited my dorm, heading upstairs to get whoever was playing the music to shut it up. I climbed up the stairs and found the door of which somebody was playing music behind. I knocked on the door hard. Footsteps came my way.

The door opened and there was Rosie. Her pink wavy hair was up in a messy bun, and she was wearing an over-sized t-shirt and pajama shorts. She looked good, and my cheeks started to warm. I was just surprised, that's all. 

"Hi."She glared at me for the twenty-fifth time.


She just stared at me waiting, and she  leaned against the door frame.

"I, uh, came here because I heard music and it was annoying so you should turn it off."I told her in a rush.

"No,"she said, and slammed the door shut.

I pounded on the door. The music turned up louder. "My father will hear about this!"I shouted.

"Yeah, he'll have fun hearing about how you face-planted onto my boobs!"She shouted back.

That night, I ruffled through my spell books to find a spell that I didn't know existed. 

I thought about that annoying mudblood and her annoying laugh all night long. It really isn't fair.

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