chapter 1

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When I walked through the hallways at Hogwarts the first time, I was amazed. The candles, the long tables, and the people excited to find out what they were doing there. We waited in line for a old crumpled hat to go on our head.  After many names where called, Professor McGonagle got to me.

"Rosie Skarr!" I walked up to the chair and sat down, and the hat was placed on my head. 

Immediately, It shouted out, "Slytherin!."

Of course, I knew the significance of this. I had read a book about Hogwarts a week before coming here. My parents didn't care that I was going to a school where they wouldn't see me often, and I didn't care that they didn't care. Well I did, but I was used to it. 

I wasn't really that much of a Slytherin. I didn't get why the crumpled hat had put me there, either.

I walked up to the table, and sat down next to a boy who had been sorted earlier. I thought his name was Danny or something. He looked at me like I was Adolf Hitler. 

"Go sit somewhere else, mudblood"

"What?"I had said, confused.

"Can you just move? Your scent of muggleness is clouding up my brain, and I don't like talking to freaks,"he had snarled.

"My name is Rosie."I told him.

The two generously stuffed guys next to him laughed.

"Let me guess, you love roses?"he said, snickering to the idiots next to him.

"I'm allergic to flowers."

"And your weak too," he rolled his pale grey eyes.

"Not weaker than you,"I said, trying not too cry.

"Your hair looks like a rats nest,"he told me, deciding to insult me as he probably didn't have anything better to do.

First year me was an emotional wimp. And he knew that. He had wrinkled his nose and knocked his steaming goblet of pumpkin juice on my robes.

I ran away crying.

I always ran away crying. 

That is why, for the next three years, my hair was in a tight-ass bun.

Flowers |Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now