chapter 30

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The last week of classes passed by in a hurry. I busied myself by reading boring books about boring stuff, not trying to think of anything or anyone(a.k.a Malfoy) But yet I missed the little troglodyte. 

As I threw another shirt into my trunk, I traced my finger over the outline of my necklace, which lay underneath the shirt I was currently wearing, not visible to anyone unless they came up and sniffed me(why they would do that, I do know, but people are strange)

Pansy was busy, per usual, so I was alone in the dorm, staring at my over flowing trunk, and the delicate flowers placed on top of them. He's somehow bribed Pansy to give me flowers, because I huddle up in my room all day. Most of them are attached with little notes, apologies. But that wasn't a note. I reached out, grabbing the flowers, standing up, and wrenching my dorm window open, about to throw the flowers out the window like I normally did. But yet, I opened the little note attached to the flowers(a rose, marigold, and some angels breath) It was a drawing. Of me. My eyebrows raised as I stared at it. I mean I knew he drew, but I was thinking glorified stick figures, not full blown masterpieces. Through the paper, I stared back at myself. I didn't even know eyes could be that shade of green. Quite honestly, I looked like the sort of goddes multiple people would make naked statues of. I wasn't naked though, thankfully. He truly drew me like one of his French girls.

I dropped the flowers, stepping over them as I plopped onto my bed, staring at the portrait. I was wearing a purple sweater vest, and smiling. I resisted the urge to cry. Again. As I thought about him, and how he wasn't really that bad, and- no. Nope, no, never, zilch. I didn't know why he even bothered. I mean sure, I'm cool. He probably just felt sorry for my past suicidal self. I rolled my eyes too no one, although they started to water. 

I stood up, catching a glance of myself in the mirror. I looked like I went through a dry car wash. Not in a good way. My hair, plopped on my head like a bright pink pom Pom, was messy, and my non matching pajamas didn't match. 

I dug to the bottom of my trunk, sticking the portrait there. I just don't like to waste things, I said to myself. I'm a material girl. 


And there I was, in the Hogwarts train, on my way back to my rickety shed sweet shed. If it hadn't collapsed while I was gone.

I stared out the window, watching all the trees we passed by. So many trees. 

Flowers |Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now