chapter 20

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Rosie snorted at what I had said, trying not to laugh as we walked through the dark hallways, her almost walking into another wall. I tried to get her to let me lead the way, but she had insisted on doing it herself.

It was a Monday night, and we snuck to the glass room, her idea. Lucille's voice erupted from her painting suddenly as Rosies hands touched it."Get your filthy hands off of me, you mudblood!"she said, swinging the painting open and wapping Rosie across her face to reveal the dark tunnel leading to the glass room. 

I caught her in my arms as she fell backwards, and quickly let her go. She smirked at me, unfazed.

We went in the tunnel, her going in first, and then sat down on the cold glass floor. Rosie pulled her little never ending purse from her pocket, taking out two chocolate treacle tarts, passing one to me.

"What would a world populated by clones of you look like?"Rosie said, immediately furrowing her brow as she said it, realizing how strange it sounded.

"What kind of question is that?"I asked, although I was used to her weird Rosie things.

"It's the type you say when you don't want to sit in silence."she said, smiling as she scooted slightly closer to me on the glass floor. 

I smirked back."I don't wan't a world full of me. Then you would't be there."I flat out flirted, immediately regretting it as I ran a hand through my hair.

She raised her eyebrows, her smile wider as her eyes sparkled. "That's flattering. I would't want a world full of you either."

I put my hand in my pocket, pulling out the little black box containing the necklace and passed it to her, smirking as she narrowed her eyes, looking at me suspiciously. "It's for you,"I said, watching as she picked up the box curiously.

"If it explodes and this whole place blows up, I'm blaming you,"she said, cautiously opening the box. Her eyes widened as she realized what it was. She looked at me, trying to put two and two together.

"You didn't,"she said, a smile starting to form on her face.

"I did,"I said back, smirking as she carefully pulled the necklace out of the box, pausing to admire it. She tried to put it on, struggling to put the little clasp together.

"Just let me,"I said, reaching out and swiftly putting it together before she could complain. My fingertips brushed her neck, and I could feel my face warming up.

Looking away quickly, I ran my hand through my hair nervously. 

She smiled, looking down at the green gem, then at me, her green eyes mirroring the emerald's sparkle. "Thank you, Draco."

"Your welcome, Rosie."I said back, desperately trying to slow down my fast-beating heart.

We sat in a comfortable silence, her watching the glass room, illuminated by the moon, and me watching her. I looked away again, feeling my cheeks warm and my heart beat faster. What was Rosie doing to me? At least she was probably falling for me. I smirked, imagining the look of humiliation on her face when she'd realize she had been fooled, ignoring  the pang of something that didn't feel good about it in my heart.

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