chapter 32

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Rosie's point of view:

I sat on my couch, the peach colored one I had found infront of Goodwill a few days ago. A quick charm and then it was good as new, and I stuffed it into my little everything purse and brought it here. I looked around my shed proudly. It was better on the inside than the outside, like many things. Many people, I thought, my proud face falling as I nervously flicked the rubber band around my wrist. I got up, forcing a smile on my otherwise not smiling face.

And then there was a knock at the door. 

I quickly grabbed mh wand from the bench besides me, aware that I probably shouldn't. But it could be an emergency. Like Girl Scouts trying to sell cookies. I swung the door open, my face in a creepy smile I used when people in grocery stores try to talk to me(Hello, are you new around here? Everyone knows that your sopposed to put the coin in that littl- oh, never mind honey) My face quickly dropped. 

"Malfoy," I said, quickly masking my expression with a resting bitch face.(which I am, in the best way possible. I think)

"Listen Rosie, I know I'm the last person you want to see. And I know you won't forgive me, ever, but if there was anything Rosie,  anything, I would-," he started, his silvery blue eyes twisted into the mix of guilt and a hint of pity that he used to follow me in Hogwarts, begging for forgiveness.

But I stepped forward, surprising myself, and kissed him. He stood there for a moment, like a brick wall(but warm) and then wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing me back. I missed this feeling, him and I. 

I pulled away, and he stared into my eyes, his mouth slightly open."You're still an idiot, Draco Malfoy," I said, unable to withhold my smile.

He smirked, his eyes crinkling slightly at the corners like origami,"But I'm your idiot, Rosie Skarr."

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