chapter 29

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Rosie's point of view:

God, I was an idiot, I thought, heated tears streaming down my face as I slid down to the floor of my dorm bathroom.

I looked to my side, at the full body mirror, showing my face as I sobbed. No one looks stunning when they sob. And I wasn't an exception. Strands of my hair stuck to my face with tears as I pulled the necklace out of my little purse. I stared at it, before slipping it on, tucking it under my uniform so no one would notice. I- I was not gonna let him do that. But-no buts.

I stood up, taking a deep breath. Did he even care? It seemed he did. I wiped my tears from my eyes, silently ugly crying, the tears I wiped away quickly replaced by fat tears streaming down my cheeks. My eyes looked like they where made of glass, just another sculpture in the glass room.

I knew the golden trio wouldn't care that much, honestly, but a guy died, and Draco bieng an assrat doesn't make him spring up from wherever the hell they tossed his body and come give his Cho a hug. Taking a deep breath in the mirror, I traced my finger over my tear stained lips. 

I furrowed my brows, wiping my face even more and then washing it off, putting on a fresh coat of bright red lipstick. 

The worst part about it all was that I missed him. His laugh and his stupid jokes and his idiotic smirk, and then his smile, the one I only saw. But yet, after all that, he just wanted me to feel like an idiot. Good job Malfoy, you succeeded . 

I reached into my little endless purse again, pulling out a little chocolate treacle tart that I put there this morning, on my way to class because I was late. I didn't have any candles, but I did have a wand. I stuck a little stick I found in my bag into the tart, muttering a quick incendio to set it on fire. I took another deep breath. 

"Happy birthday to me." I whispered as I stared at the little flame. " I wish that Draco Malfoy will someday feel the way I do. And if you could hurry up, birthday magic people, it would be highly appreciated. Thank you. But if you don't do it, fuck you." And I blew out the candle. Fifteen years on this lonely planet. Yippee.


And the next few days passed by. Me ignoring him, which was, well, hard, and then him trying to get my attention. And everything reminded me of him. I couldn't even look at a shower curtain without thinking,'oh, Draco probably thinks of shower curtains too, right?'and it's not easy. Especially when he's staring at me from half across the room.

And yet, I still like his scraggly-souled arse. He brings me flowers, too, and slips them into my bag when he thinks I'm not looking, attempting to swagger past my table and just accidentally drop the beautiful flowers into my bag. The beautiful idiot. Not really though, because he has the personality of four evil squirrels mixed into one person, only making him look good. Curse his genetics.

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