chapter 19

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Authors note: Above is Rosies Yule Ball dress. I'ts pretty. Bye:)


The day of the Yule Ball, I was woken up early by Pansy and Nancy bickering over a miniscule stain on Pansies long dark green dress.

"You said it was stain proof!"Pansy practically screamed at Nancy.

"You said you wouldn't go with Blaise!,"Nancy screamed back.

"Yeah, well, the girl I like is going with someone else! And then there's the fact that she doesn't like me!"

"Girl?"Nancy shouted back.

They glared at each other, then glared at me when I groaned and rolled out of bed, heading to the bathroom. 

I looked in the mirror, running a hand through my hair, then attempted to make it look like a squirrel hadnt slept in it. 

I heard a loud banging on the door. "Open up you idiot! Some of us actually have to use the bathroom!"Pansy's voice interrupted my thoughts. 

Spotting one of Pansys treaured lip glosses on the counter, I thought of lovingly placing it in the toilet for her before deciding it was too much effort. I did, however, sample her red lipstick.

I sighed dreamily thinking about Draco, who maybe is only half-asshole. Yeah, he just happened to have good genetics, and wasn't half bad to look at. Shaking my head violently, I tried to think of something else. Like that bathroom floor tile. Yep, that's a very ugly bathroom floor tile. I quickly changed into my uniform before heading out of the bathroom, which opened up to a very frazzled looking Pansy, who growled at me.

"Lighten up, Buttercup,"I smirked before slinging my schoolbag over my shoulder and heading out the door.

"Is that my lipstick?"Pansy shrieked. I snorted, already gone.


After classes, everyone was bustling to get ready for the Ball. It seems everyone likes Balls.

Entering my dorm, I was greeted by the instant chatter of Nancy and Pansy, who where casting spells on each others hair, trying to look good. If it was even possible.

 I headed to my corner of the room, where I pulled the box containing my dress from the back of my closet. I ran my hand over the smooth sliky fabric, marveling at the pink color, a light shade of pink. I put the dress, which I had permanently borrowed from my mother, on. Smiling at myself in the mirror, I finger gunned myself. I looked good.

I tried for about ten minutes to brush my hair before realizing I could use a spell. I did, and put a small delicate rose draco had given me earlier today in my hair, admiring myself in the mirror. 

Carefully putting on dangly pearl earrings, I marveled at the dress. I rubbed some sparkly face sauce Pansy had on my face(and shoulders but that's besides the point) and reapplied the red lipstick Pansy had weakly attempted to hide from me.I mean, who isnt gonna find lipstick if it's in the shower? She probably thinks I don't take showers. Rude.

Figuring I was done, I exited the bathroom, thinking about, you know, a blonde ferret. Or not. 

Nancy looked at me, her eyebrows raising slightly. "Wow. You look good. I would totally-"she bagan, before Pansy kicked her. They started kicking each other, and I made a getaway. Walking throught the crowded hallway, I frowned, trying to shake off the butterflies that definetly werent there. 


Malfoys point of view

I looked around, wondering when Rosie was going to come.

"Chill out mate,"said Blaise, who was standing next to me eating a little fancy sandwich.

"For your information, I am chilling out."

Blaise rolled his eyes as I glared at him. "You actually like her, don't you,"He said, as though it was a fact.

I scoffed. "Of course not Blaise. She's a mudblood and she's annoying."

"Right."Said Blaise, grabbing another sandwitch from a lady passing by with a plate full of them.

 I saw a sudden flash of pink, and there she was. She looked around too, biting her lip(which was red, not that I noticed)and caught my eye, smirking. 

I pushed through the crowd, walking on a few feet of annoyed people, until I got to her.

I extended my arm, the classic 'dance with me idiot' gesture. She wasn't half bad to look at. Her hair was loose, yet it didnt look like she'd faught Voldermort or something."You look beautiful,"I told her, noticing she kind of did.

"So do you,"She said back, taking my outstreched hand and smirking. My cheeks warmed against my will as I spinned her around, wrapping my hand around her waist. We danced, and she almost tripped a few times. Filthy, slightly nice looking, mudblood. 

I spun her around again, feeling my cheeks warm again as she let out another laugh at something I had said. I thought about the necklace in the pocket pocket of my pants, the one I had seen her look at in that little fancy rock shop with such awe.

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