chapter 28

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She passed right by me in the hallway, not even looking at me, and I stood there like the idiot I am. Hell, she even sat next to Crabbe in Hogwarts a history just so she wouldn't have to sit next to me. 

I stared at her against my will, watching as she threatened that Crabbe would lose a testicle if he where to make another move on her. 

And I would do it for her. Gross, Draco, shut up.


That dinner just consisted of me looking at Rosie, who had moved over to the Griffondor table, instead of her normal spot next to me. She was talking to Potter and his little weasels, and she was smiling. But not her real smile, the cutely crooked one with dimples. I narrowed my eyes at them. At least she was still wearing her necklace, I smirked to myself.

I strained to hear what she was saying, but instead heard Granger."I knew there was something up with that little loathsome loaf if an evil bean!"

Ron chewed in his chicken thoughtfully.(who are we kidding, that Weasley boy is probably too stupid to have thoughts)"That's a pretty necklace," he noticed, looking up at the others, who glared at him." What? It is."

Hermionie opened her mouth, starting to say something, but Rosie rolled her eyes, inwardly telling Granger to shut up. Rosie's face hardened, like she was preparing to turn into a brick. " I never really liked necklaces anyway," she said, taking it off violently and stuffing it into her little endless purse, which she took out of her pocket.

Harry snorted. " I knew you'd eventually come to your scences. Anyway, Voldemort's back."

"Really Harry? Now?" Hermionie scolded him. But Rosie quietly gathered her things, her bottom lip starting to quiver as she got up from the table, unnoticed to the 'golden trio' who had started to talk about Cedric's death, which matching crestfallen expressions on their faces. Honestly, Cedric seemed like a decent guy. But Rosie and I had been under the bleachers unnoticed when it happened. I blushed, thinking of the memory, telling myself to think of something else. If Rosie wasn't her beautifully stubborn self, that moment wouldn't have happened. She'd have been one with the worms underground, if anyone cared enough to bury her. She'd be dead. Because of me.

Before I knew it, I ran out after her. In the hallway, the light poured out of the windows, illuminating her and only her. She walked faster.

"Rosie," I panted, " Rosie- wait-"

"Do you know how much you humiliated me? Everyone's talking about it, Malfoy, and I can't even walk five feet without someone going 'hey Rosie, did you looove Draco?'"she snorted, smiling a dimpleless smile. "Because it's like I'm twelve all over again."She breathed in slowly, looking up At the ceiling. "Next year, Malfoy, you will feel this, and you will hate it. I'll make sure of it."

"Rosie, I'm sorry."

She rolled her eyes again, turning away, the back of her head facing me. "Guess what Malfoy. It's my birthday."she said, mumbling,"happy birthday to me," as she dissapeared from sight. Leaving me there, my nose still hurting from when she punched me yesterday(not visibly, thank Salazar)

And in my head, I said so many things. But she didn't hear any of them.

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