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A few years later:

"Draco!" Rosie screamed through the empty courtyard of Hogwarts, stepping over a body, her voice crackly from not staying hydrated. "Blondie, you better not have died!" Her voice cracked, piercing the empty air. The war had taken so many people. He couldn't have taken Draco. She collapsed on the ground, curling into a ball and sobbing. Stupid Potter. There was no way she could make Voldemort pay if Voldemort was dead. 

And then there where footsteps behind her, running. She curled up onto a tighter ball. She thought Potter had taken Voldemort away, ended him. But she had hidden, like Draco had told her too, secretly killing death eaters unnoticed. 

"Rosie!"A hoarse voice rang out from behind her. She turned around quickly. She knew that voice. 

"Draco!" She shouted out, tears of happiness beginning to stream down her face. She hugged him hard, a hug of deprevation from the other, like they were starving wolves. " You scared me, you little braincelless ferret." She cried harder, burying her head in his shoulder as his arms wrapped around her protectively.

"I thought I lost you," his voice cracked. 

"You could never, ever, lose me," she mumbled into his shoulder, laughing from pure joy.

He pulled away, looking into her eyes. Those same eyes, that hadn't lost  their special glimmer of hope, laughing too.

"Mhh," she mumbled, beaming as she stuck her hand in her pocket." Look what I got back."She dangled the emerald necklace from her finger.

" You got it back? Did you kill someone for it?" Draco said, surprised.

"Found it on some a dead lady. I think she was your aunt."she smirked.

Draco closed the little space beetween them, and they kissed, melting into each other, happiness after the dark.


"Ladies first,"Draco said, motioning to Lucille the painting to open up the door to the glass room. Rosie smiled, her green eyes sparkling as Draco smirked back, waiting for her to enter the dark corridor leading to the glass room. After seventh year, the headmaster allowed her and Draco to visit the room once a year on the condition that 'you children don't do any exchanging of bodily fluids in that room.'

Draco and Rosie hadn't changed much since the war. Rosie's hair was still pink, although brighter, and her last name was now Malfoy. And Draco's hair had grown a bit longer, and slightly wavy, and because Rosie had insisted that if he were to wear all black all day every day, and that he might as well 'add some zest' to his feet, he wore bright socks begrudgingly. 

He gently placed his arm against his wife's waist, marveling at how happy she was to be there. They sat down on the bench Draco had insitsted the headmaster put in the room, as so they wouldn't have to freeze their asses off on the cold glass floor.

"Remember how we used to sneak-apparate here in seventh year?"Draco said, smirking.

Rosie snorted. "And how I got that house elf, Dora, to think I was her Mastress,"she said, smirking back at him.

"She called you her 'Mattress.'"

Rosie shrugged."Mattress sounds better than Mastress anyway."

With a loud pop, a very disheveled house elf who looked more like a gremlin appeared infront of Rosie."Dora has heard Mattresses call. Dora will help Mattress."

Draco almost fell off the bench and Rosie quickly grabbed his hand, smiling, before turning to the elf-gremlin.

"I'd like some lemonade, if you have any."she said.

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