chapter 25

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Malfoy point of view 

I knocked on Rosie's door to the dorm, slightly nervous. ( not really though)

"Hey," Rosie greeted me, slightly awkward.

I smirked, watching as she nervously ran her hand through her bright hair. "So why did you feel the need to be here?"she said, leaning against edoorframe 

"I have a surprise."

"Uh-oh," she rolled her eyes, but her eyebrows raised curiously.

I smirked, gesturing at her to follow me.


We silently entered the dark hall leading towards the glass room, and her eyes lit up when she saw what I'd done.

"A picnic?"


She looked over at me, smirking as she let go of my hand to sit down. It felt nice, really good, holding her hand. But the kiss on the other hand felt- Draco, shut up. 

I watched as she picked a chocolate treacle tart, marveling at how I had set up the place. Internally, I slightly cackled. It had only taken me a wave of a wand and a stop at the greasy gremliny kitchen to set it up, and even then it was easy. But Rosie didn't know that, seeing that she's, well, not really that smart.

I pulled a little sketchbook out of my pocket, and a pencil, and she looked over at me curiously. "Draco, you draw?"

I looked up at her, starting the outline of her face before realizing what I was doing. 


She raised her eyebrows, green eyes sparkling in the dim light as she took another bite of the treacle tart and my heart sped up as she opened up her mouth to say something, the corners of her lips tipping upwards.

"Oh Draco, draw me like one of your French girls,"she mocked me, leaning over to look at my sketch book.

"Really, Daffodil?"I laughed, before realizing I laughed and leaning back, so she couldn't see my scetchbook. I started about a month ago, and I never really looked at my drawings. I just drew them and forgot about them, like a true artist. 

"What's your favorite color then?"she asked, genuinely curious. "Green like dead frogs, probably."

"Green like your eyes."

She blushed, I could tell. "My favorite color is yellow."

"Yellow?"I scrunched my nose.

"Yeah I know, the whole 'let's hate yellow because it's bright and sometimes is the color of toilet water, but it's pretty."

"Whatever you say Rosie," I snorted, looking up at her briefly, determining the best angle.

She wrinkled her nose. "Your hair is kind of yellow, Draco."

"No it isn't."

"Yes it is."

"In that case, your hair is kind of blue." 

"It can be." She smirked, and my heart lost it. Stupid, idiot, heart. At this point, I'm breathing way more than I should. And all she did was say her hair can be blue!

And then she posed. Well, not purposely, but she was looking up at the stars, them glinting in her eyes as she settled comfortably on the dark green blanket I had accioed over here, leaning against the wall, her legs resting comfortably on top of the picnic blanket.

I admired her, I furrowed my brow realizing. No Draco, you don't admire her. She's just easy to talk to, and funny, and pretty and her lips-Draco, please shut up.

The silence was comfortable, better than being alone ever could be, in a way-no. Stop bieng deep and just draw. Well and also her freckles-no,Draco , please stop. Well it's pretty hard to stop if you're drawing her, I rolled my eyes at myself, gently moving the pencil in a shading motion, capturing the perfect way her lips parted slightly.

I looked up from the paper, realizing Rosie was looking at me to, smiling to herself to the point where he could see the ghost of her dimples, and I wondered what she could possibly be thinking.

Shut up Draco, just draw her. Like one of your pretty French gi-. Stop. Please. Shut up, me. I internally fought myself. Rosie fidgeted with her necklace, her smile more smilier and her dimples clearly showing as she continued to look up at the stars.

Your an idiot Draco, you really, really are. Like she says. Draco fucking Malfoy! And, well, it got harder when she leaned forward, kissing me. I kissed her back, her lips moving like she was singing a song, but with her mouth closed, and I reached up caught by surprise, putting my hand on her warm cheek.

She pulled back suddenly, reaching up to fidget with the necklace."Sorry," she said, getting up.

I pulled her back down by her hand and snorted,"Its fine, Rosie."

"Fine huh?"she smirked.

I smiled, cradling her face in my hands and then kissing her, and that felt good. Honestly, it was probably the best feeling ever, even though i dont really do feelings.

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