chapter 3

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Third year was the worst of all three years. Rumuores about me in the muggle world screwing stuff up, and a whole bunch of other stuff that didn't make sense. The hate was at an all time high, I was depressed, and by the end of the year, I wanted to kill myself.

I was at the top of the Hogwarts towers, contemplating my life decisions. It was the last day of school. I really didn't want to go home, where my parents didn't care about me and my life was about as meaningless as a particle of dust. 

So there I was, about to jump off, thinking about all my flaws. From up there, I could see all the people. I climbed up there a lot. It was one place where I didn't have to worry about Draco finding me and tormenting me about my slick bun and my will to live. I thought about killing myself there too. Felt kind of like the plot of an emo song. Draco wouldn't risk scratching his Luis Vuitton shoes to bully my sorry ass there.

Up on top of that tower, I saw Draco in a tree, tormenting that Pottah kid. I have good vision. Anyway, there he was, being an absolute walnut, and there I was, about to jump off a tower and die.  Why? Because of him. He didn't deserve that sacrifice.

Then I just thought, what was I doing? This is really stupid. So I just climbed off the tower. I loved magic. It was my happy place. It let me express myself. It was a thing I could do better than a lot of people, my pride, my joy. It helped me climb up towers where I could think about killing myself. Life without magic would suck. Only if I died, I wouldn't have life, or magic. 

You know that saying, if he bullies you he likes you? If he bullies you, he is an asshole who you should never trust and never believe if he says he likes you. If he bullies you he is a bully. Just like Draco.

I made it my goal to be the best I have ever been the next year. No more sitting alone in the corner of the classroom. No more caring about what Draco Malfoy says.

That took a long time.

So when I exited the Hogwarts express, I took a taxi to my house, packed up my stuff, and left to go to the abandoned shed no one cared about seven streets down.

I dyed my hair pink and let it loose, and I made my clothes pretty and I memorized every corner of Downtown London.(Where I lived) I also got a dog. Like a Taylor Swift song. I, Rosie Skarr, was gonna make a magical dent. Hopefully in Draco's head.

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