chapter 12

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                                                     Malfoy's point of view

I walked into Hogwarts History late, seeing Rosie managed to smash me into a tree and break my hand. My hand was wrapped up in rags, again. 

Do you know how embarrassing it is to be thrown into a tree by the girl your supposed to like? Traumatizing.

"Ah, Malfoy."said the professor."You shall be partnered with Ms.Skarr."

Rosie groaned as I sat next to her.

"So what are we doing?"I asked her.

"Discovering something about Hogwarts that's not in the book."She said.

"That sound's like a stupid assignment."I snorted.

"Begin!," said the professor.

Everyone hurried out of the room, eager to find something about Hogwarts that wasn't in the book.

Rosie and I walked out. "Maybe instead of a place it's a language or something." Rosie said.

"Like that strange muggle sigh language with the hands?"I said.

"It's actually called sign language. I know two of them, the middle finger and the 'I love you'."

"I'll bet you're grateful for the middle finger."

She glared at me again

 "The I love you sign is used by spiderman to shoot webs."

"Is spiderman a spider-human hybrid? How do I get one? I bet Weasley would hate that."I said, imagining the look on Weasley's face when he saw a spiderman.

"He's a Muggle superhero. A guy who comes to save the day when bad stuff happens?"She said when I looked at her quizzically.

"And what's the 'I love you' sign?" I asked

She bent her right hand in a strange way.

"Does that mean I love you?"


I tried to imitate her, but it wasn't working. Mostly because my good hand was in a freaking cast.  It was obviously driving her crazy that I couldn't get it . She violently adjusted my hand.

"Ow,"I winced.

My face was warming up. I looked away, hoping she wouldn't notice. "Here, now you've got i love you on your hand. Congrats."she looked up at me. "Your face is turning red." she said.

"It's because you threw me at a tree."

 "You bit me, so It's justified."she laughed.

"You were squeezing me!"I smiled, despite not liking being squeezed.

"You deserved it."

This time, I glared at her. She glared right back. She has nice green eyes, not that I noticed.

We talked the whole afternoon, and we got nothing done, and I didn't care. If spending time with her meant winning the bet, I'm doing it. 

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