chapter 11

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  It was our free period, and I saw Harry and Hermionie and Ron laughing at a little white ferret.

I scooped the ferret up and hugged him. "Who's this cute li'll guy?"I asked Harry.

Right then, the ferret bit me. I threw him right across the yard, and he crashed into a tree.

"That's Draco."Harry said.

I looked at him, confused. Professor McGonagle waved a wand at the ferret and it turned into Draco. 

"My father will hear about this!,"He shouted at her, struggling to get up.

Professor McGonagle sighed tiredly. "Rosie, bring him to the infirmary. You threw him into the tree."she said as I started to complain.

I reluctantly pulled Draco up by his wrist. 

"Fancy meeting you again,"He snarled as I pulled him up.

"Shut up and deal with it."I replied, glaring at him with the best death glare I could force my eyeballs to do. I practice in the mirror sometimes when I'm bored. 

I dragged him to the infirmary, him complaining more than was necessary.

"Can you use the other wrist please? Or just let go of me and let me go on my merry way?"He complained.

I bent his wrist a bit and then switched to the other wrist and bent that one too, a smirk etching itself on my face.

"Hey!"He shouted.

"We're here."I said.

"Did you really have to be so mean? I said you looked nice this morning!"He complained again.

"If I bit you and then said you look pretty, would you forgive me?"

"First of all, you were squeezing me, and second of all, you think I look pretty?"The corners of his lips tipped upwards annoyingly.

I glared at him. "Why were you a ferret anyway?"

"Your'e ignoring my question,"he said.

"And you're ignoring mine."I said back.

We glared at each other for a minute, and his face was slowly turning red. 

"My hand hurts,"He said, leaving.

Draco Malfoy made a cute ferret. He looks okay in non-ferret form, but he looks way better as a ferret. It makes it so he can't complain and tell me to shut my music off. My roomies don't like the music either, but I cast a charm on their beds so they don't hear it.

My next class was Hogwarts History, which Draco was also in, sadly.

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