chapter 15

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                                               Rosies point of view

Who knew Draco Malfoy climbed towers? Probably nobody. As I entered my dorm, I looked around, noticing Pansy and the other girl were gone, like they were most nights. I took my earbuds from my ear and leaned against the door. The same door Draco had knocked on. I shook my head, trying to get my heartbeat to stop beating so fast. 

That stupid ferret, I thought to myself, jumping onto my bed and curling up into a ball under the covers. He brings me flowers and dislikes music and makes me laugh more than I have in a long time. He's an idiot and I dislike him immensely, I thought. Maybe he was just trying to be nice. I don't know.

That morning, I woke up, got dressed, and threw the books I needed into my bag. I slung it onto my shoulder and walked to the next class, ignoring Pansy and that other girl, whose name is probably Gertrude, who were talking about the upcoming Yule Ball. Apparently Pansy was one hundred percent sure Draco was gonna ask her. I ignored the little spark of jealousy I felt. I mean didn't feel. I wouldn't put it past Draco to ask Pansy. He probably has a sucky taste in girls anyway. 

The next class was apparently postponed because we where doing dance practice for the Yule Ball or something. I plopped down on a seat next to Harry, Ron, and Heromione, watching Draco from the corner of my eye. He caught my eye, smirking, and I quickly looked away.

"Why are your cheeks so red?"Hermionie asked, looking at me quizzicaly.

"I, uh, got slapped twice."I responded, self consiously touching my cheek.

"Oh,"said Hermionie, turning away to make someone annoyed and not questioning my answer at all.

"All right everyone, quiet down!"Proffesor McGonagle shouted. "Today we will be learning to dance for the Yule Ball. Ron, you shall be our example."Ron walked to the center of the floor, looking like he really didn't want to be there, and awkwardly put his hands on her waist.

Once they finished dancing, McGonagle shooed Ron away and proceeded to call out partners. "Harry, with Ginny, and you, Ron, with Parvati, Rosie, you are with Malfoy." she turned away, sighing and muttering something about 'hopeless dancers'and'balls'.

I walked up to Malfoy, grumbling, and he smiled at me. Again. "Hey,"he said.

I looked at him funny."Hi."

"Shall we dance?"He said, holding out his hand towards me. I glared at him and took his hand, ignoring the butterflies that most definetly weren't there.

He gently put his hand on my waist, and I awkwardly put mine around his neck.

"So when are we going to write the whole essay on the statue room?"I asked him.

"Whenever you want,"He said.

I looked at him, really looked at him. His grey eyes were close to mine, and his hands felt like they belonged on my waist. I did the only logical thing. I glared at him.

"After dinner, in the statue room."

"Sure,"He said, spinning me around.

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