chapter 9

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That morning at breakfast, Rosie had sat next to Potter and his little friends. She seemed to be friends with everyone now. 

"How's the bet going,"Blaises voice snapped me from my thoughts. 

"I made progress."I told him.

"Really? Because she and that Potter boy were talking about how you could be a Death eater."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're just making stuff up now."

That morning, I got up, hurried to Hagrid's rose bush, and gathered three of the prettiest roses I could find. It's not that I cared what Rosie thought of them, only that I wanted to win the bet. 

I carefully cast the de-allergising spell I had learnt last night on them and carefully placed them in my bag.

That day, when I walked into defense against the dark arts, I sat next to Rosie again. Crabbe and Goyle, who know about the bet, snickered to themselves.

"I brought you flowers."

"I'm allergic to fucking flowers."She glared at me for the twenty-sixth time.(This year)

"Yeah, but not these."

She tentatively grabbed them. She then smelled them. And she smiled. "I still hate you,"she told me. She delicately put them in her bag.

"Okay,"I said smiling. It felt great to make her smile. Only because it was surprising and proved that I was good at being charming, of course. I still hated her and her annoyingly pink hair. Duh.

She didn't talk to me for the rest of the class. Professor moody was showing off the cruciatos curse or whatever, but I was only looking at her. Only because I intended to win this bet and I needed to be convincing. She looked back at me once, and narrowed her eyes.

After class, as she walked away, I ran after her. 

"What?"she glared at me, but a little less than before. Progress!

"I'm sorry,"I said. I'm not really sorry, of course, and that guilt means nothing.

"Right."she walked away.

Flowers |Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now