chapter 13

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                                                               Rosies point of view

"Hey,"said Draco as he sat down next to me at dinner in the Great Hall."I found a place not in the book."

"Really? Your not as stupid as you look. But knowing you, you probably tripped on an eraser and saw it while you where laying on the ground after tripping on said eraser ."I said, surprised he actually had been thinking about the project. I thought he had probably forgotten about it or thought I would do all the work.

"I'm glad you fantasize about me on the floor."He said rolling his eyes as he pulled me up.

I quickly grabbed the sandwich I carefully laid on my plate and and followed him.

"How'd you find it then, if you weren't tripping on stuff?" I asked, biting the sandwich threateningly.

"I explored a bit. And here we are."He responded."Can you please leave that sandwich here? Your'e spilling crumbs everywhere.''

I looked around. A few paintings looking at us questionably, judging us, and it was a pretty normal spot."Isn't this where the sixth years come to make out?''I said, as I had seen multiple giddy sixth years passionately kissing here.

"No."Draco said, turning red."Lucielle, open the door,"He commanded to a nearby painting of a generously stuffed lady in a blue gown who looked like she was about to call for the manager. 

Slowly, the painting opened to reveal a dark corridor. 

"I am not going through there! How do I know Voldermort's not gonna come out of a shadow and eat me?"I complained, finishing off my sandwitch.

Draco laughed, reaching in to press on a button. He had a nice laugh when he wasn't complaining about being thrown into a tree. The room illuminated to reveal beautiful glass sculptures.

"Wow,"I gasped, my eyes widening.

"Apparently there was a lady who lived here who made glass sculptures, and this is where she kept them,"Draco said, mentioning to the various glass sculptures and gems paused in time above us.

I slid down to the ground. "This place is the prettiest most beautiful most awesome most fine place I have ever seen." I said.

"I'm glad you like it,"He sat down next to me, smirking.

I smiled at him. I guess he wasn't that much of an asshole. He smiled back. He had an actually nice smile. It went well with his eyes, which reminded me of ice cubes that I'd put in my water so it'd taste like Santa's front lawn. Not that I noticed.

"So what's your deal with Potter?"He asked.

"Oh, we're friend's. You know it's actually funny how we became friend's. You know on the train ride here, how you fell onto my boob's?"

"Oh yeah, sorry about that,"He said, not really sounding sorry.

"Yeah well, after that, I was talking to them about how much of an ass you are, and we bonded over that."

He burst out laughing. Draco Malfoy, king of the ego and dark gloomy 'I only drink black coffee, or just black tea' personality, was on the ground laughing. 

I couldn't help it, I started laughing too. 

"Stop laughing, your'e making me laugh"I said, which caused him to laugh even more, to the point where we where leaning on each other. The laughter died down. I sighed contentedly, before realizing my head was on Draco's shoulder. Quicker than lightning, he pulled away.

"Hey Rosie, I think I have to go, I need to walk my owl,"checking his nonexistent watch and getting up abruptly. He walked away quickly, like laughing with another person was a sin. 

His face was so red, I think he's allergic to something. Maybe ice, or happiness.

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