chapter 7

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Above is pumpkin juice. You'll see what it's used for later:)


           Draco's point of view

I saw Rosie from where I sat at the Slytherin table. She was talking to Blaise and Pansy, and they where laughing along to whatever she was saying. She glanced at me once, and she glared at me for that brief second. I think I talked to her once about flowers in first year. Something about her favorite flowers being roses. If I get her flowers she'd hate me less and then fall for me. Then Blaise could kiss his hundred galleons goodbye. This would be easy.

Rosie got up, saying something I couldn't hear, and as she passed by me she knocked the steaming goblet of pumpkin juice on my lap. 

"What the hell!"I shouted.

"What?"said Rosie,"Accidents happen. How else would you have been born?"

"You have no business thinking about my parents sex life!"I shouted at her.

"I hope your balls are burning!"she shouted back.

"Excuse me?"I yelled as she walked away.

She flipped me off without looking back, leaving everyone around me laughing. Even Potter and his goonies were laughing at me. Idiots.

This was gonna be a lot harder than it looked. Or maybe she just really likes roses.

The first class of the year was Defense Against the Dark Arts, and I knew for a fact Rosie was gonna be there because she was talking about it earlier with Potter and Weasley. Defense Against the Dark Arts was one of the two classes both she and I were in. I just grabbed three roses from one of Hagrid's bushes, tied them up, and tossed them in my bag. 

As soon as I got to the classroom, I spotted Rosie in the far corner, looking through her potions book. I sat down next to her, and she glared at me. 

"Can you move?"She asked me.

I ignored her statement.''I brought you flowers."

"I'm allergic to flowers, you idiot."she said, reaching out.

She grabbed them and threw them across the room. Then she sneezed. Multiple times. 

The new defense against the dark arts professor, on which the roses had landed, came over. 

"Whats going on?"He growled.

Rosie sneezed again. Her face was turning red.

"Malfoy, take her to the infirmary. Skidadle scadoot."He demanded.

"C'mon."I told Rosie. 

She glared at me while sneezing. At this point, she's glared at me twenty-three times, and it's the first day of school.

"Fine." She said, and sneezed again.

We walked to the infirmary slowly, as she could barely see anything. She was quite ugly, as her face was red and swollen and her pink hair was incredibly messy.

"I can't see anything."she told me, while managing to glare at me. She reminded me of a fussy toddler.

"Okay."I said.

"Bloody hell, can you just, I don't know, grab my hand? I don't like walking slowly."

"Ew, no. Your hand is red."

"You're the reason why my hand is red. You knew I was allergic to flowers."

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did. First year, remember?"

I remembered just then. It was the first time I met her, when her hair was frizzy as hell and looked like a rats nest.

"Oh yeah, when your hair looked like a rat's nest. Still does, but pink."I said.

"That's rude, considering you used to look like someone used their pee to slick your hair back."

I did not look like that. I know for a fact I looked pretty good. That's what I told her.

She laughed. Right then and there. I had never heard Rosie Skarr laugh. It was a beautiful sound, one that made me want to hear it over and over again, even if she was laughing at me. I'm glad Rosie was practically blind from the flowers, or else she would have seen my cheeks redden. I was just surprised, that's all.

She grabbed onto my wrist, and I didn't complain. Her hands where soft and unswollen, and they felt nice.

"How come you hate me?"she asked, clearly not thinking through anything she was saying.

"I don't hate you." I said, even though I hate her.

She rolled her eyes, obviously not believing me.

We walked the rest of the way to the infirmary in silence, her grip on my wrist looser.

Flowers |Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now