chapter 22

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Draco and I lay on the glass floor next to each other staring up at the stars that were magically cast on the ceiling, illuminating the glass sculptures, animals in mid-motion and gods and goddesses godding.

"Draco?" I said, thinking he'd fallen asleep.

"Yes?"he responded his voice echoeing throughout the room like the room was his own. My breath caught up in my throat in the weird way it did around him. I shook my head, wishing I could just stop thinking like that. Draco is a stupid idiot with a hot mom who gave him good genetics, and he was, well, slightly stalking on me to get me a pretty necklace, I thought to myself. 

I rolled over, suddenly  facing him. My face was about six inches from his, and I cursed my recent life desisions as his breath tickled my lips(minty, didn't smell like it belonged to-shut up, Rosie )His eyes widened in surprise, taken aback. Our eyes were close, so I could see every single detail of his grey eyes, which were shining in the dim lifting of the glass room.

So of course, I had to say something stupid.

"Shut up."

His eyebrows raised in surprise, and a smile began to spread over his smug punchable face. "I didn't say anything, Daffodil."

I opened my mouth, about to say something witty and badass, but decided for once he was right. Not about the daffodil part. I'm not a daffodil.

"Do you remember that one time in second year when you and I had a conversation?"

He turned to the ceiling again, ripping his eyes away from me(not that I cared, it wasn't really a rip either , just a moving of the eyes)"Maybe."

I snorted." It doesn't kill to not be mysterious and actually give a answer that isn't along the lines of 'I'm not telling you because I am a secretive hot teenage boy, and I have daddy issues."

Draco laughed and rolled over, so we were face to face once again, ignoring most of my comment and going to the part that probably mattered the most to him.

"You think I'm hot?"he smirked.

"Maybe,"I mocked him, smirking back, getting up from the floor, avoiding his gaze as I reached up to my necklace. My very pretty necklace. Which Draco gave me.

He got up too, smirking his classic malfoy smirk, and suddenly we were face to face once again, him leaning in the tiniest bit, every single detail of his face visible, his eyes and unfreckled flawless skin and his soft lips bent into an up close smirk. 

And then I leaned in, my lips touching his, gentle and taunting but beautiful, an explosion in my heart, everything I didn't imagine my first kiss to be. Pulling away quickly, I looked up at him(only about two inches up, I'm not exactly short)His eyebrows were raised, and his smirk had been wiped off his face, replaced by the look I was probably giving him. I enjoyed-fuck, I loved that. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"Enjoyed that, didn't you Daffodil?"

At that point, my cheeks where probably as bright as my hair, even in the not so light lighting of the glass room. Any idiot could tell that I enjoyed that. Which is good, because Draco is an idiot, I reassured myself.

  "Maybe," I mocked him once again, closing the few inches between us. His lips moved gently against mine as I slid my hand through his platinum hair, closing my eyes to soak up every single bit like a scrub daddy. His hand cupped my cheek, and the other hand my neck, gentle and new.

I pulled apart. I definitely should not kiss Draco Malfoy. But, let's be honest, he's Draco Malfoy, and currently Draco Malfoy was looking at me like I was the only girl in the world. And I smiled, a happy feeling of warmth spreading throughout me as we looked at each other, and he smiled back. 

Pulling my full body away, flinching at the sudden cold(Its a room. Made of glass. At midnight. It's gonna be cold) he probably realized he was smiling, and being as allergic to happiness as he probably was, his smile evolved into a smirk. But me? I was beaming. As I said before, what the fuck is wrong with me?


Authors note brought to you by Ralph's, fresh for everyone:

Hello my peeps. Today I had yet another revelation(thank you Pinterest, not really though because yeah) that Draco Malfoy is hot. Only guy my Bi ass is in love with, and he's fictional. Also there's Harry Styles, but he might as well be fictional too. Anyway, vote if you liked the story, and if you didn't, vote anyway.

Goodbye my little fanfic unicorns and have a nice day( or don't, if you feel like it)

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