chapter 5

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It took me awhile to get of of the fucking booth ground. Thanks to that Rosie Skarr, I now have foot germs all over me. 

"Hey Draco, did you see that girl with the pink hair?"Blaise said as I slid into the seat in front of him. 

"You mean that mudblood?"I told him, still pissed.

"Yeah yeah, her,"he said.

"Well, what about her?"asked Pansy, that stuck up girl who likes me.

"She's pretty hot ain't she?"Blaise simped.

"Then why don't you ask her out?"said Pansy.

"She glared at me when I was within ten feet of her. I bet even Draco couldn't get her to kiss him."

"I could pull her within seconds,"I told him.

"Bet you one hundred galleons you couldn't get her to kiss you by the end of the year,"snorted Blaise.

"Really? Well, your'e on."I snorted right back.

Then I just sat there and processed that. I was not gonna get that mudblood to kiss me. Her filth would get all over me.

"You know what Blaise? I really don't need the money,"I told him.

"Oh, so now your'e getting scared?"Blaise laughed.

"I uh," I began. "No. I will get her to kiss me and she'll be obsessed with me by the end of the year."I assured him.

It really wouldn't be that hard. I just act like I really like her (I could never) and bring her flowers every time I see her. I'm pretty sure girls like flowers. This is gonna be very bad for my reputation.

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