chapter 18

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                                                   Rosies point of view

Draco Malfoy asked me to the Yule Ball. As in Draco 'My father will hear about this' Malfoy. Which was not called for. And I said yes. Thinking about him, I shook my head, my hands in my pockets as it was snowing in Hogsmeade. Trying to destract myself, I headed towards the nearest shop, a little jewelry shop owned by one of the Hufflepuffs grandma's who sold sparkly gems and stuff. I know that because I sat next to her (The Hufflepuff, not the grandma) once in Potions and she was talking about how much she loves her grandma and her grandmas shop and sparkly stuff. I shut the shop's door behind me and looked around. 

Most of the stuff was pretty basic, until I saw one necklace. The gem on it was a light green shade, that reminded me of grass and green stuff and the Slytherin colors. It was perfect. I reached out to touch it. 

"Hey Rosie,"someone said from behind me.

I quickly turned around, trying to grab my wand out of my pocket. It wasn't in that pocket, so I frantically checked the other one before realizing it was Hermionie.

"Oh, it's you."I said, checking another pocket for my wand. 

"Did you hear about the Yule Ball?"she said eagerly.

"Yep,"I said, wondering why she thought I didn't. 

"Who are you going with?"she asked.

I found my wand in an inner pocket I forgot about. "Draco."

"What?"she said.

"Draco."I said.

"But why?"

"Why not?"

"Because!"she half-shouted.

"Right. Well, I'll see you then,"I said, exiting the little shop after one last quick glance at the necklace.

"Hey Rosie!,"I heard a Hufflepuff say from infront of me. I turned around and walked the opposite way, where there were not any random people who know my name. I think.

I walked back, heading towards the little forest, where everything was covered in snow. Suddenly, I was hit on the back by a snowball. I turned around quickly, hoping it wasn't yet another random person who knows my name. But no, it was Draco.

He smirked at me before throwing yet another snowball at me. 

"You missed!,"I shouted at him, before scooping a snowball up with my bare hands and throwing it in his face. 

"That's an illegal shot, Rosie,"He said, throwing another snowball at me. He missed again.

And then, we were off. I started throwing them at him, fast, and so did he(at me, not himself). I laughed out loud, barely looking at where I aimed. I on the other hand, did not miss.

"Ow!,"He shouted, crouching down and falling on the snow floor.

I burst out laughing before running over to him and plopping on the snow floor next to him. He started laughing too. Hopefully at himself.

He eventually stopped laughing, turning his head over to look at me. "Hey," He said.

"Hello,"I smiled back at him. I sighed happily, doing jumping jacks while laying down to make a snow angel.

Draco stood up, dusting off the snow that wasn't there. "I'm going to the castle. See you at the Ball."

I lied there in the snow, then threw another snowball at Draco for good measure. "I hate you!"he said, without turning back. 

"Love you too!''I shouted back.

He turned back, smiling, before quickening his pace towards the castle.

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