chapter 17

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That night in my dorm, half asleep, I finished the essay. Rosie and I had stayed in the Glass Room until 11 at night, talking about the Triwizard tournament and stuff. Rosie was all I could think about, but only because I want to win this bet.

The Yule Ball is three days from now, and Rosie doesn't have a date, and if I asked her, she would probably say no, but, like I said(thought?) many times before, I am going to win this bet.

So I quickly fixed my hair in the mirror and ran up to her dorm. I think it's Pansy's dorm too, but that doesn't matter.

I knocked quickly. I heard a loud thump, then a groan. "Who is it?"I recognized Rosie's voice.

"Draco Malfoy,"I responded, leaning against the door frame.

"Oh, the blonde ferret. I'm coming!"she responded. 

"I am not a blonde ferret!"

Seconds later, the door opened, and there was Rosie, cheeks flushed and hair messy as ever. "Hi,"She said, slightly smiling.


She scrunched her forehead, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear."What are you doing here? It's one in the morning and I am not listening to music."

My face warmed up."I was wondering if you'd want to go to the Yule Ball with me,"I said, running a hand through my hair nervously. (I mean confidently)

"You want me to go to the Ball with you?"


"As in, dress up and dance and eat fancy sandwiches with you?"

"Yeah."I said, already regretting my decision.

She narrowed her green eyes suspiciously. "I'll go. But if you try to murder me or something, I'm throwing a sandwich at you, and then murdering you"

I smiled. "Great. I'll see you at Hogsmeade tomorrow."

"Right," she said, still suspicious. Then she slammed her door shut.

I ran up to my dorm, shutting the door behind me. "Yes!"I pumped my fist, doing a little victory happy dance.

"What are you doing?"Blaise mumbled groggily.

I quickly composed myself."Rosies going to the dance with me,"I said, desperately trying to keep my face serious.

"Heh,"he snorted, half asleep, before covering his head with his pillow.

I smirked to myself.

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