chapter 26

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Rosie's point of view:

I entered my dorm, beaming to myself as I spun around in a circle and collapsed, back to the wall. We had just been at the final triwizard tournament thing, and Draco and I had gone under the bleachers and made out, and, well, it felt good. Really good.

Draco Malfoy is not much of an asshole anymore.

Putting the fowers he had given to me that class in a little vase(a Daffoldil, Rose, and Marigold)I plopped down on my bed. Pansy was on hers, reading a book about history or something.

"You know Draco doesnt really like you."she said, not taking her eyes off the book she was reading.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Why, do you care?"

She glanced at me. "Your Hermionies friend, and if I tell you then ill get bunus points with her," she said, the corners of her mouth turning upwards.

"So what, it was a bet?"

"Precisley. He and Blaise did, a hundred galleons. You can ask him if you'd like. He wouldn't lie to you,"Pansy said, using the same tone as Snape but with a prettier voice.

I got up."Really?"I said. It-it made scence. All of it. He wanted to humiliate me, like he had countless times before."That little troglodyte bastard,"I said, feeling my cheeks heat up in embarassment. I got up off of my bed quickly, heading out the girls dormitory door, determined to finnaly make the dent in his head id dreamed of making forever.

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