chapter 14

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                                                   Malfoys point of view

I really don't get it. I took Rosie to the place I found by asking all the paintings about the castle, and she loved it. She really did. She had spilled crumbs over her robe while eating the sandwich, and yet my face heated up and I couldn't look anywhere but at her. Her hair is the most annoying color pink, and yet I can't even think properly when she's around. It's probably just nerves. It happens to everyone, I reassured myself. Maybe I'm just allergic to the large amount of statues in the room.

I thought all this as I climbed up to the tallest tower, where I'd been going for the past few days to think about stuff that Pureblood non-muggle Slytherins think about at night. 

As I sat down on the tower, I looked around, taking in my surroundings. I suddenly spotted a dark figure a few feet next to me.

"Agh!" I screamed.(I didn't really scream, I just spoke loudly)

"Agh!"The figure screamed back. "Wait. Draco?"

"What are you doing up here?"I asked Rosie.

"What are you doing up here?"She asked me. I could tell she was glaring at me even though I could barely see her. 

"I asked first."I said.

"Listening to music."she said, taking a little white thing from her ear.

"I don't hear music."

"Put this in your ear," she said, handing me the little white thing.


"It has music."

"It has music my ass."I said, furrowing my brow.

Ignoring my comment, she quickly stuffed the little thing in my ear. A blast of music erupted into my head and I almost fell off the tower. (I didn't fall off the tower because Rosie violently grabbed the neck of my sweater and pulled me up quickly)

I swatted the air around me, trying to get it to go away. "What the hell?" I shouted.

Rosie only sat there laughing at me, the cute dimples on her cheeks clearly prominent. Only her dimples obviously aren't cute.

Once she turned to her normal non-laughing self, and I had gotten used to the muggle music in my ear, she gently took the thing from my ear and snorted. My face heated up again. 

"It's called an earbud. It's a muggle music thing."

"Huh,"I said, staring at her stupidly. 

She looked at me strangely. Her cheeks were starting to turn a bit red, probably from laughing too much.

Suddenly, she got up, moving towards the little window I had come through. "I gotta go. I need sleep." she turned towards me, smiling a little. "You're welcome for saving you from falling off the tower, by the way."She said, before dissapearing through the window.

I stared at the little window for a few seconds, before laying down on the roofing of the tower. My cheeks felt warm and I felt the best I'd felt in a long time. It's the top of the tower, that's why.

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