chapter 16

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                                                       Malfoys point of view

"Hey,"Rosie said, plopping down next to me in the glass room. She was looking around, amazed, like she forgot what the place looked like. She probably did. She was eating a sandwich again.

I noticed the flowers I had given her earlier tucked in her pocket. Progress, I thought to myself, silently celebrating.

"I brought the quill, ink, and parchment", I said, motioning toward the floating quill and the ink and the parchment next to me.

"So did I,"Rosie said, smiling sheepishly. "But my parchment is scented, so it's better than yours."

I furrowed my brow. "Scented?"

"Yep,"Rosie said."Quick Scentanos spell."

"Right."I said.

"I already wrote the first half, you can finish it,"she said, passing the 'scented' parchment over.

"I can barely read this,"I said, trying to decipher her messy handwriting, or scribbles. 

She leaned close to me."Oh yeah, I forgot about that."She took her wand from her pocket. "Lectoros."

The handwriting instantly turned into neat typewritten words. Rosie smiled, satisfied.

"This place reminds me of my house."she said, looking around and smiling at the thought of her house.

"What's it like?"I asked.(I wasn't curious, it just said in a book I read that girls like talking about themselves. Or in this case, their house)

"Oh, it's really nice. It's an old shed that look's crappy on the outside, but when you go in, it's filled with pretty furniture and paintings and stuff."she said, slipping a hand through her bright hair. 

My heart fluttered in the weird way it does when she's around. "You live alone in London?"

"The downtown area on Cloverville street."she said, unfazed.

I looked at her, sitting down only inches next to me, her pink hair messy as always, the freckles I didn't know she had clearly visible, and her green eyes sparkling as she looked at the glass statues around her. I am going to win this bet, no matter what Blaise says.

Flowers |Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now