chapter 27

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Malfoys point of view:

I washed my face, changing into some muggle t shirt with the Beatles on it( Rosie had given it to me for Christmas as a joke, she didn't actually expect me to wear a muggle shirt, but ha) and some sleep pants.

Someone knocked on the door. Hard.

"Blaise, I think Pansy got mad at you again."I shouted across the dorm  to Blaise. I heard him get up, his footsteps gently walking across the cold foor.

He opened the door, waiting a moment before shouting right across to me."It's Rosie."

I smirked, quickly fixing my hair before heading towards the door. I furrowed my brow. She did not look happy.

"Rosie, are you okay?"I said, stepping forwards.

She stepped back, biting her quivering lip.

"Do you want me to kill someone for you?"I asked, reaching out to hug her. She looked like she needed a hug.

She laughed dryly. "I was a bet wasnt I?"

I stepped back."I-well-'

"Draco fucking Malfoy. You little fucking rat-"

"I'm sorry, okay? I didnt mean to-"

"When where you going to tell me? You know, I almost killed myself because of you."her voice  cracked, and my heart broke as I watched hers break.

"What?"A mix of emotions whirled around my chest, giving me the sudden urge to punch a wall and throw a chair at something.

"You heard me. I guess you are a asshole after all. I was so, so, stupid. And to think, just five hours ago you kissed me. Am I just a bet? Is that all I am to you? Because Draco, I liked you alot. A. Lot. And it takes so long to build up trust and so little to break it."

"I'm sorry. I like you Rosie, I really do."I said, internally crumbling while at the same time wanting to punch Blaise who was chewing popcorn he got from who knows where loudly.

"Are you Draco?"

She kissed me right there, angrily, and it was still one of the best and worst moments of my life. And then she puched me. With a sickening crack, her hand hit my face(My nose, to be more clear) and she pulled it back. Blood poured from my nose, and she turned around, walking away after one final"Fuck you, Malfoy."

"Rosie, wait-"I started, but she was already gone. 

I stood there, watching the spot where she just stood. Rosie, with her bright pink hair and her green emerald eyes and her dimpled smile and her beautiful laugh. Rosie was now not, not-

"Well, thats a  shame."Blaise interupted my thought trail.

I turned around, slamming the door behind me."Fuck you, Zabini. Why dont you go back to your muggle soap operas, I'm sure youd love to hear about how Philipos quivering member couldnt withold itself."

Blaise raised his hands, visibly insulted. "Sorry, mate. And his name is Reginald."

I rolled my eyes, trying to stop this unfamiliar feeling of hotness behind my eyes. " Whatever. She was a bet anyway."

Blaise popped another piece of popcorn into his mouth, " You like her, Malfoy."

"I don't," I said angrily, opening my door and shutting it violently, wanting to get out of there fast.

I hurried up to the top tower, the one I didn't go to anymore, because I rarely ever felt terrible. Because of Rosie. I like Rosie, I realized. I liked her. And she- she almost died because of my stupid younger self. Fuck, I was such an idiot, wasn't I. Yes, I am, I answered my own question. If this is what feelings are, then I hate them.

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