chapter 23

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Malfoys point of view:

I entered my dorm, heart racing at a stupidly high rate as I  punched the air, smiling. And I never smile.

"Dude, it's 1 o'clock in the morning. I need sleep."Blaise moaned from underneath the covers of his bed as I flipped the light switch on.

"Then sleep, Blaise,"I said washing my face in the bathroom, watching as Baise poked his head out from under the covers like some sort of rat.

"Are you okay mate?"

"I'll have you know you owe me one hundred galleons."I smirked.

Blaise, being the sleepy rat boy that he is, took a while to process that. "Wait-no."

I smirked again."Yep."

"But-your going to tell her, right?"

"Nah, I think I'll let her fall for me a bit more." I snorted, ignoring whatever thing inside me said I shouldn't. Stupid little inside voice. "Wait till you see her face when she realizes it was a bet!"

Blaise looked kinda betrayed, but that's okay. Blaise looks betrayed a lot. I jut imagined Potters face when he realizes that I tricked his 'friend'. I imagined all this, trying to keep my brain from thinking about the kiss. The kiss with Rosie Skarr , who had freckles splattered across her face like stars up close, and green eyes different than any I've ever seen. But it just got harder because of, well, Blaise.

"What was it like kissing her?"he asked, full rat boy idiot twelve year old girl mode. 

I focused on my reflection in the mirror, hoping my cheeks weren't as red as they felt. "Fine I guess. Pansy's a better kisser than that mudblood though", I lied, wrinkling my nose in disgust."But she's just a bet."

A look of realization dawned across Blaise's face."Mate, no."

"Mate, yes,"I said, mimicking his tone. 

He put his head under the covers again, huddling in his little rat hole of a bed. I rolled my eyes, changing out of my school robes into  a muggle t-shirt my father won't hear about. 

My heart was still beating fast , in the strange way it did around Rosie. It was- fuck, that was the best kiss I've ever had. Which isn't saying a lot, because, well, I only kissed three people, I reassured myself before plopping into my bed. 

That night, I was left thinking about stupid Rosie and her stupid lips and her stupid annoyingly pink hair. 

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