12. Unrequited love...

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"So there I was, busy locking up and guess who shows up? Mr Can! In a tuxedo!"

Ayhan stares at JJ with wide eyes. He was busy telling her about his day from start to finish non stop, from him and Sanem at Can's house that morning to when they were at the opera house.

"He didn't even say anything to me except 'Thanks JJ'... It was very strange... do you think him ignoring me means I'm being fired for taking too long to open the door?" JJ slowly sits down with a puff.

Ayhan starts giggling, unable to help herself, and shakes her head.

"What's funny?" he frowns.

"JJ, why would the man wear a tuxedo to fire you?"

"Who knows with these people? Anything is possible with someone in power, they do what they want. They can come in pajamas and fire you and all you can do is say 'nice pajamas'."

"I guess," Ayhan shrugs the chews on her straw for a second in thought. "But why was he wearing a tuxedo though? Did he come there straight from the party at the house? What was the theme?"

"I don't know. But it's Mr Can, he doesn't explain why he does what he does he just goes on and does it," JJ sighs. "You don't ask questions about his actions because before you can he's already moved on to the next."

"Hm," Ayhan plays with her straw. "You said Sanem was there? What was she doing at the opera house?" Something about this story isn't right.

JJ nods. "He probably fired her too for skipping the party. I went looking for her but she was gone, and he was also gone oddly enough. I locked up and came right here after, so I don't know any more than you do right now."

"Hm," Ayhan hums again, her mind trying to put things in order.

"Ayhan," JJ lowers his voice, "this Albatross guy, you know, the one that Sanem loves so much?" Ayhan nods. "She told me that I'm the one who helped her meet him for the first time."

"Really?" Ayhan grins.

"Yes," JJ smiles proudly. "I'm so happy that I helped her. I hope they'll be happy together, when she finds him, anyway. Because it's love."

Speaking of...Ayhan clears her throat awkwardly. "JJ?"

"Yes?" he looks at her.

"Er, I've been thinking about this whole love business...No, not just thinking, I did research. I watched romantic movies and read poems... and then I asked around about it from my neighbors and looked at the waves and so on but I - " She huffs. "Nothing helped me understand, and I tried believe me.
I've never had these kinds of feelings so I don't know how to say this...I think that your love for me is unrequited...Maybe..."

JJ blinks, frowning. "You're very straight forward...very precise with your wording..." He shakes his head and looks at her. "That's good though, that you don't lie to appease me. It's fine. If you're sure you feel nothing for me, it's all fine."

JJ looks away after giving her what she thinks is a smile. He was clearly hurt by her words and she felt horrible.

"I have to go." JJ stands up suddenly.

Why is he leaving? "Wait, JJ, hold on!" Ayhan jumps up and he stops, looking at her. "I didn't - I didn't mean to upset you. Are you mad at me? Why are you leaving?"

"I don't like uncertainty Ayhan," JJ says. "Do you understand? You told me how you feel, but you didn't tell me how you feel because you're not sure yourself. There's too many maybes there Ayhan." He shakes his head. "I'm leaving now, you don't have to worry about hurting my feelings, everything is fine." He shrugs. "Besides, how can I be around a girl who doesn't love me like I love her? And don't say as a friend because that's something that would just stress me out. I can't be around someone knowing she doesn't love me. But it's fine, Ayhan. I'm not mad, okay?" He nods in goodbye and starts walking.

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