35. Rookie in all but scheming

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Can had parked in his usual spot a block away from the office once again and he held onto Sanem's hand as they walked towards it, their fingers intwined.

Both had cheeky smiles on their faces and Sanem's eyes kept landing on the side of his face when she looked at him. If he caught her, she would blush and look away. He would grin in turn and squeeze her hand.

As soon as the building came into view, Sanem lets Can's hand go, slowing down.

He stops the two steps he had been ahead, realizing her hand was gone. "What now?" he asks and turns to look at her. "Why did you let go?"

"Are we going to go inside holding hands?"

Can takes off his glasses and lifts his arms. "I want everyone to know."

"I don't." He frowns. "I mean," she adds quickly, "I don't think the employees or Mr Emre need to know. Yet."

"Why not?" He steps closer. "I don't like secrets, you know that."

"I know, and you're right, but I'm a little hesitant. Let's give it some more time, please?"

I don't know. I don't like it. All I want to do is parade you all over the place. He scrunches his face up, chafing at the thought of keeping silent. I guess... if it's not too long... I can try it... "Okay," he says finally. Anything you want. "After you then Miss Sanem. May you have a great day." He gestures at the entrance and gives her a grin.

"Thank you Mr Can." Sanem turns and adjust her bag's strap with a smile on her face. He doesn't like secrets but he's compromising. This is good.

Can looks after her, debating on calling her back for a hug or a kiss or something but she was already going inside. He puts his glasses back on and then follows her, staying a good three feet behind. This could be exciting if I let it.

Sanem walks ahead, across the bridge into the main office and then hears Deren telling Halim that he could keep something as it was. She gives her a bright smile as she passes. "Good morning Miss Deren."

Deren ignores her but Sanem didn't let it phase her at all. She kept walking while behind her, Can entered as well, greeting Deren the same way Sanem did.

Deren was a lot happier seeing him.
"Good morning Can, you look good, as always," she smiles at him as she walks with him.

Can grins but doesn't comment. Oh if you only knew why, Deren.

"Can, I received this week's schedule. Shall we have a meeting? Now that you're here? See what we have and what we don't."

"You can get everyone together in the boardroom, yes," Can nods.

"Okay," Deren smiles at him again but he stoutly moves on, his eyes already finding Sanem behind his glasses before she even speaks.

"I'll be right there with your tea Mr Can!" Sanem calls and he takes them off as he passes the coffee bar, giving a light wave.

"Alright," he says before he keeps going.

Deren eyes Can then takes quick strides to where Sanem is busy with the tea. "Sanem."

Sanem looks at her, cups in hand. "Miss Deren?" 

"As you know, the competition you won has two prizes. One, obviously, is the videoshoot. You have to be involved with every stage and control everything, advise on your vision, and all of those fun things."

Sanem nods, smiling. She was more than ready. She had a great night, she slept well - the few hours she wasn't thinking about Can - and she was over her aversions to doing this. He was right in the end, she wanted more out of life and it was time she remembered it.

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