Time to relax part two

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Alright we're now at the end of the break between the arcs so get ready for the next one next week 

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Naruto asked again as he also appeared in his house. "You're finally going on a mission with me." Jiraiya said. "What! Wait really. Yes! I finally can't wait." yelled Naruto in excitement. "Shh. I don't want everyone in the village knowing." said Jiraiya. "Oh yeah sorry. So what rank is it?" asked Naruto. "Could be any rank. But most likely you're going to have an impress record of three S rank missions while you're still a genin." said Jiraiya with a bit of a smile.

"What another S rank one. Are you sure you want me and not Kakashi?" said a shocked Naruto. "Oh, don't worry I plan on teaching you a new jutsu that can easily match S rank jutsu. Now start packing you got an hour then meet me at the gates." said Jiraiya as he disappeared.


Some random restaurants

"Wonder what Pervy sage wanted to talk with him about?" wondered Shikamaru out loud. "No clue." said Kiba. "Wait why do you guys keep on calling him pervy sage after all he is one of the strongest ninjas in the world??" asked Sakura. "Eh that's simple he is one. He likes to peek and is a sage." explained Sasuke.

"Wait he is pervy." said a shocked Ino. "How are you surprise by that." yelled Kiba. "I don't know. I just felt like...Well I guess I didn't think someone so strong could be pervy." said Ino with a shrug.

"I mean I guess that makes some sense." said Sasuke. "No not really." said Choji as a bit of doodle came down from his mouth watching their food arrive. "What do you mean?" asked Sasuke. "Well, his teammates also all got bad habits. And according to Naruto the old man also was pervy." said Choji.

"You guys have managed to get me to look at the world in a whole different light." said Ino after a while. "Sorry I guess." said Sasuke with a small sorry smile on his face. "Oh no Sasuke you don't need to be sorry but please keep up that cute smile." said Ino.

"Ino your fangirl is still showing." said Sakura with a small smirk. "Yeah, uh can you please stop Ino it was bad enough in school but you're a ninja now." said Sasuke as he shifted a bit away from Ino.

"Ino please stop fangirling since we are ever so sadly on the same team, you're also giving me a bad reputation." said Shikamaru. "OH, YOU SAY I GIVE OUR TEAM A BAD REP! ALL YOU DO IS SLEEP AND PLAY THAT DUMB BOARD GAME! AND CHOJI YOUR NO BETTER YOU JUST EAT ALL DAY LONG!" roared Ino getting them many looks from everyone else in the restaurant.

"Hey that's kind of mean." said Choji as he stuffed his face full of food. "Choji before you argue with someone about something don't do the thing their saying you do." deadpan Shikamaru. "What but I don't want to argue!" said Choji.

"Choji you are way to pure." said Kiba looking at Choji like it was his first time seeing him. "Huh what are you talking about? I just don't want to argue with Ino." said Choji starting to get confused. "Same with me Choji but I still argue but I guess it's because I don't care, and you do." said Shikamaru with a shrug.

"Hey, can you guys chill out with Ino. I mean she is kind of right you know" said Sakura coming to the defense of her friend. "Sakura you're just saying that because she is your best-." said Shikamaru. "How dare you say I could be friends with someone with such a big forehead." yelled Ino interrupting Shikamaru.

Shikamaru seemed unfazed and continued after Ino finished. "Friend but fine give us your reasons at least." "Will I mean you could try a bit harder without being forced to. And Choji if you're going to eat so much use it to work harder." said Sakura.

"Sure, I guess that makes sense." said Choji as he took a big bite of his steak. "Fine it's going to be troublesome but if that gets Ino off my back I will do it." said Shikamaru with a shrug. "Sometimes it surprises me how much you have grown Sakura." said Hinata.

"Huh what do you mean?" questioned Sakura. "Will I mean...You were also kind of a fangirl of Sasuke...And you weren't that strong." said Hinata slowly as if waiting to get punched. "Yeah, I know. But after going to the land of waves and seeing how weak I really am and that people like Naruto were also so much stronger than me. I don't know I just started try because I know how deadly being a ninja really is." said Sakura.

"I did not expect to ever hear something like that come out of your mouth!" said a shocked Kiba. "You shouldn't. Remember what I told you about the forest of death?" said Sasuke getting a nod from near everyone but Shino, and Kiba.

"Come on Kiba." complained Sasuke. "Hey what about Shino." said Kiba pointing at Shino. "Yeah, I didn't tell them. But I guess I'll tell you guys. So, me and Naruto got beat up and passed out, so Sakura had to care for us. Then we got attacked by some sound ninjas that Sakura nearly beat on her own if it wasn't for a cheap trick they had." explained Sasuke.

"You really have gotten stronger Sakura." said Shino. "Thanks Shino." said Sakura though she was a bit surprised hearing him talk. Ino opened her mouth as if to talk but Sasuke beat her too it. "Sakura that reminds me Kakashi wanted to talk about our new training today."

"What about Naruto. Didn't Kakashi also want to talk to Naruto?" asked Sakura. "Don't worry pervy sage will cover that come on he wants to meet in his house in 5 minutes." said Sasuke. "Alright but's we won't get there in five minutes walking." said Sakura.

"Yeah, just grab hold of my arm since you don't got the body flicker." said Sasuke holding out his arm. "Alright." said a blushing Sakura grabbing Sasuke arm as they both disappeared. "Lucky Sakura thought Ino.


Gate of the village of the leaf

"Alright Pervy sage I'm ready to go." said Naruto. "Naruto how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that." yelled Jiraiya. "Yeah, Yeah let's go." said Naruto in a bored voice.


"Sai you know your mission correct." said a man hidden in the shadows of the room. Kneeling in front of him was a young boy dressed in all black wearing an Abu mask of a dragon.

"Yes, master Danzo. My mission is to kidnap the Ninetails and kill Jiraiya the toad sage with the help of other root members." said Sai. "Good your first goal is the boy the second is the toad." ordered Danzo. "Understood." said Sai as he disappeared.


Ten minutes early

Random place in the village of the leaf

"Why hello there." said Asuma casually, learning on a tree. "My oh my I didn't think we were so important to send two jonins for us." said the taller of the two men in the red cloud cloaks.

"Two I'm the only one here." said Asuma looking around. "Come out." the shorter one said. "Very well Itachi Uchiha. no point in hiding from you is there." said Kurenai as she appeared from what appeared nowhere.

"Looks like this won't be as boring as I thought." said the taller man throwing off his hat showing his face. He had blue skin and shark-like features. "Kisame the shark of the mist." said Asuma getting into a battle stance. "Oh, you know me. Let's hope your knowledge is as good as your fighting skill." said Kisame with a smile. 

Hope you liked it and see you next week

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