Time to teach pt1

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"Alright ready to train." said Naruto sitting on the top of a high tree in his training ground. "How did you get up there?" wondered Konohamaru out loud. "Tree climbing." said Inari realizing the answer right before Naruto opened his mouth.

"Yep." said Naruto jumping down from the tree. "But I already know how to do this." said Hanabi a bit confused. "Alright then you an Inari, can do water walking wait for me over there." said Naruto pointing at a small lake nearby.

Inari and Hanabi ran off to the lake while Naruto stood next to Konohamaru. "Of course, I'm the one to be left behind." complained Konohamaru. "Don't think like that." said Naruto.

"What do you mean?" "This just gives you another chance to work hard and better yourself. This isn't a battle with friends or rivals, this is a battle to show to yourself that you are as good as they are." claimed Naruto.

Konohamaru smiled at the helpful words. "Alright so how do I do this sensei?" "Focus your charka at your feet. After that try to walk up the tree. It might take a couple of got this, but you got this." smiled Naruto as he watched his student begin.

Naruto had to tell himself that he shouldn't laugh as he looked at the odd but funny fall of Inari. "You all, right?" asked Naruto easily standing on the water as he helped Inari up.

"Yeah but-urg I hate getting water in my eyes." complained Inari rubbing his eyes. "So do you both know the thought behind this?" asked Naruto. "We do it like the tree climbing excise right." said Hanabi trying to walk on the water.

"Nope what you have to do is both that and change. While you walk on the water you have to be able to change your charka to match the waves." explained Naruto. Hanabi nodded as she tried again with Inari.

This time they lasted far longer with the waves no longer sending them into the water. "I got it." shouted Konohamaru jumping onto the lake to try water walking. He fell into the water, not able to walk for even a second. "Konohamaru please think before you jump." said a now soaked Naruto.


Naruto held Konohamaru back as he tried to kill Tsunade. Tsunade was barely holding in her laugh. "Why the hell do I have to catch a cat. I'm a brave ninja of the leaf not a damn chore boy!" shouted Konohamaru.

"Konohamaru if we do five of these missions, I'll let you do a C rank deal." offered Naruto trying to calm down Konohamaru. "Deal." agreed Konohamaru as Naruto let him go. "Come on guys hurry up." Naruto groaned as he and the rest of the team followed after Konohamaru.


"Alright since you guys already have the basics of charka control down, I'm going to start you with some real training. So, I want you to all pour a bit of charka into this paper." said Naruto handing out the paper.

His team did as they were told. "Crap!" shouted Konohamaru dropping his now flaming paper. "So, you have fire release." said Naruto. "Does this mean I have water release?" asked Inari and Hanabi holding up their wet paper.

"Yes, it does. Alright great now what do I do next... Oh yeah, here." said Naruto, handing them each a leaf. "Uh sensei this is just a leaf." said Hanabi. "Yeah, what are we supposed to do with this Naruto." agreed Konohamaru.

"It's simple. You need to learn how to channel your elemental charka without the help of the charka paper. So Konohamaru your job is to set it on fire and you guys got to get it wet." explained Naruto.

His team nodded as they got to work. Naruto answered questions from time to time or just helped them. But in the hour or so they had until dark none of them had gotten too far.

"Alright that's enough training for today." said Naruto getting up from his moss-covered rock. His team each left in different directions as he began to walk away. He was almost at the edge of the training ground after taking a slow walk out when he heard a noise.

It sounded like the cold ring of steel striking something. A sound any and all ninjas knew. He began to make his way to the sound out of pure curiosity. In a ring of trees that blocked his view he located the source of the sound.

Jumping onto one of the lower trees he began sneaking his way to the center of the sound. Inari even after such a short amount of time was covered in sweat. He held his sword in one hand while in the other was a shuriken.

He threw the shuriken right at a wooden dummy. It landed right in the neck as Inari ran behind its trail. Inari sliced with his blade stopping just short of cutting the dummy.

"Well done." compliment Naruto revealing his hiding place in the trees. "Sensei how long have you been there?" asked Inari huffing as he lowered his blade. "Long enough to see your skill." stated Naruto landing on the ground.

"You know you can only learn so much from a dummy right." "Well, isn't that a funny statement." said Inari, his voice lacking any humor. "You know what I mean. So how about it, you want to try against me?" asked Naruto pulling out a kunai.

"No thanks I rather not get laughed at." said Inari sitting on a fallen log. "Laughed at." said Naruto, his voice starting to lose its tint of cheer. "Who's laughing at you?"

"Kids in the academy. They laughed when I said I was going to be the greatest swordsman in the world. They said stuff like, 'Who are you Zoro'." said Inari as he finally caught his breath as he began to get back up.

"So, what. People laughed at me when I said I was going to be Hokage. People still do, but in all my life I have never been closer to my dream. As long as you keep reaching for your dream and never give up, you're going to reach it." Naruto said.

"Your right Sensei. So still want to spar." said Inari lifting his blade. "On your count." agreed Naruto. "5 4 3 now." said Inari rushing at Naruto taking him by surprise. Naruto smiled as he felt his students' worries wash away.  

Hope you guys liked my little call out. Next part is more teaching moment with Naruto so see you then.

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