Finding Tsunade

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I have been writing for over a year now and I just want to say thank you to all you guys for over 270 votes and 59,000 reads. But please enjoy the new part. 

]"Have you seen this woman around?" asked Jiraiya pointing to a picture of Tsunade. The man Jiraiya asked thought for a little while and then said, "Yeah I think I saw her in the betting hall a little while ago."

"Thank you, sir you really have no idea, what this means to me." thanked Jiraiya profusely. "Yeah, yeah whatever." said the man walking on. "Alright Naruto off to the gambling hall." "I swear your just making up places so you can have fun at this point." said Naruto getting off from where he was sitting.

"I'm not. You know that when I'm on a mission, of this rank I always act seriously." said Jiraiya. "Yeah, sure you do." "I'm hurt, anyways hurry up." "Fine." said Naruto as he began to walk faster.


"Yeah, I saw her a while back." said a normal looking man with some untidy black hair. "Great so do you know where she went?" asked Jiraiya. "Sure, do but it will cost you." said the man.

Jiraiya gave a pained look as he asked how much. "5,000." the man said. "Fine." said Jiraiya handing over the money. "Alright she told us she was heading to bocke town." the man said.

"Thank you for the help, now come on Naruto." said Jiraiya. "Alright." said Naruto. Once they were a good ways outside Jiraiya asked, "So did you grab it." "Yep, and now I'm $5,000 richer." said a smirking Naruto. "I should have known you would do something like this."


"Come on I really need to go." begged Naruto. "Just hold." order Jiraiya. "Let me go or I'm going to make sure every time you peep you get caught." threaten Naruto. "Fine go pee in that restaurant." said Jiraiya pointing to one just across the street.

"Thank you." said Naruto running off into the restaurant. He soon returned about three minutes later looking quite happy with himself. "She's in there." said Naruto pointing back to the restaurant.

"Who? Come on Naruto 'She' defines like half of the people in the world." said Jiraiya. "Tsunade you dumb fool who else did you think." said Naruto. "Fine fine your right I should have realized that. Anyways let's go." said Jiraiya walking into the restaurant.

"My look who we have here." said Jiraiya arriving at the booth Tsunade and Shizune were sharing. "Jiraiya what are you doing here!" shouted Tsunade in surprise.

"We don't need you telling everyone that we're here." said Naruto coming into view. "Who the hell are you brat." said Tsunade. "Lady Tsunade please. This might be really important." said Shizune.

"That doesn't matter yet." said Naruto "Do you mind if we join you?" asked Jiraiya. "Yes, I do. LEAVE." ordered Tsunade. "Thanks." said Jiraiya sliding into the booth.

Tsunade instinctively reached out to punch Jiraiya. "Mind listening first." said Naruto catching her fist midway through. "Who are you brat." said a shocked Tsunade.

"He's, my kid. That's all you need to know for now." said Jiraiya. "Wait so you finally got married." said a shocked Tsunade and Shizune. "Don't be silly, no woman would even think of marrying pervy sage. I'm his godson." explained Naruto.

"I like this brat." stated Tsunade. "I thought you might." said Jiraiya with a pained face. "Lady Tsunade I'm sure the boy has a name." said Shizune. "Fine what's your name boy?" asked Tsunade. "Naruto."

"Alright can we get down to business now?" asked Jiraiya. "Fine what do you two want." "For you to become Hokage." explained Jiraiya bluntly. Tsunade looked at him in surprise before she busted out laughing.

"I didn't believe that Abu when he told me you were going to offer me the hat." said Tsunade in a lapse of judgement. "An Abu said what now." said Jiraiya as his face truly became that of the ninja he is.

Naruto started to look around almost like he thought they were going to be attacked or at least that's what it looked like to Tsunade. "When did this happen?" asked Shizue forgetting the proper title at the news.

"Crap I shouldn't have said that." thought Tsunade. "Tsunade don't make me force you to answer." said Jiraiya in a deadly whisper. Tsunade felt herself shiver in fear at those words.

"Fine here's the story. Some of Danzo's men shown up and told me not to become Hokage. I agreed to it because I have no goal to die an early death with the rest of those idiots." explain Tsunade.

"What did you say!" said Naruto whipping around his eyes blazing. "This should be funny to watch." thought Kurama inside Naruto waking up from one of his long naps. "Crap either Naruto gets beat up or Tsunade does but no matter which one it is I lose Tsunade in this." thought Jiraiya.

"I said all the other Hokages were idiots." repeated Tsunade as Naruto unleased all his killing intent on her. Nearly everyone else in the bar immediately passed out. "How is this kid so strong at a young age. He's got to be at least Jonin level." thought Shizune with fear creeping into her soul.

"What you do that for or did you really think your low amount of killing intent could affect me." laughed Tsunade. "Kurama please help me with this." thought Naruto. Kurama smiled and said, "Of course you know how much I like to flex my power."

Naruto's killing intent suddenly became over a hundred times stronger. Shizune fell back in her seat barely staying wake. Sweat dripped from both Jiraiya's and Tsunade's head as they felt the power of Naruto and the nine tailed fox.

"Ho..How." Tsunade choked out. "Let's just say I got a roommate." said a smirking Naruto. "Naruto stop it now." ordered Jiraiya. "Why?" questioned Naruto. "For the people around us. We can take it, but this is so much killing intent it would kill a normal person."

"Sorry I didn't think of that." said Naruto has he ended his killing intent. Shizune sat back up in the booth now terrified of Naruto not knowing where this huge power came from.

"You all, right?" asked Naruto looking at Shizune. "Why are you asking me didn't you mean to use your killing intent on me." said a bit confused Shizune. "No just wanted to use it on the hag but I lack control."

"What did you just call me!" yelled Tsunade. "I called you what you are hag." replied Naruto. "Meet me outside you brat." said Tsunade walking outside. "Happily." said Naruto following her.

"Naruto she might be drunk but she's still one of the three." warned Jiraiya. "That's just means I'm going to have fought the three of you by the age of 12." said Naruto with a smirk.

"Lady Tsunade he's just a child he doesn't know any better." begged Shizune. "I'm not a fool Shizune he's smarter and wiser than most ninjas let alone a normal person." "Please just have mercy on him." "Fine I just use my thumb." said Tsunade sticking it up. 

What will happen now who will win this fight find out next time  

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