Welcome in! Fight end?

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Get ready to find out if Gaara is done for good or if he can come back in the fight

"Ice ray," yelled Huka as he shot a ray of ice at the barrier freezing part of it. "Alright my turn everyone get ready," said Zabuza as he started cutting through the ice with his huge blade. "That is it. Abu you go first," said Zabuza finally cutting though the ice. "Alright," said the Abu rushing though ready for anything.

But they weren't ready for what they were met with. Which was an all-out fight between the first and second Hokage and the third as well as the first Hokage creating a huge forest right on top of the roof. "What the!?" was all one Abu got out before Orochimaru saw them and easily killed him with a throwed Kunai. "Inari and Konohamaru get to some cover this fight is way bigger than I thought it was!" yelled Zabuza. "Don't worry I will cover you," said Huka. "Oh no I don't think so," said Orochimaru rushing over faster than anything any of them at ever seen. In fact, he was so fast they couldn't see him. Orochimaru tried to stab Inari in the neck, but Zabuza managed to block his attack. "Inari run this fight is way beyond your level!" yelled Zabuza. "Don't worry we will keep you safe," said Huka as he stood next to Zabuza. "Yeah, and so will we Abu," said the Abu.


"UUUHHHH," yelled Gaara getting up even with his badly burnt body. "Looks like he isn't down," said Naruto. "Yeah, how are you coming along Sasuke?" asked Kiba. "He's coming along fine but he shouldn't fight unless it is to save any of our lives," said Sakura. "Alright then me and Kiba will keep the two of you safe," said Naruto. "Ok but we haven't seen Temari around yet so be careful," said Sakura. "Alright," said Naruto and Kiba. "Damnit why did she have to remind them!" thought Temari who had seen all of the fights so far and knew she would be dead if she tried to help Gaara, so she was just trying to find an opening. "Kiba keep your nose on the lookout for her," said Naruto. "Alright I will but that will mean even less support," said Kiba. "That's fine just keep Sasuke and Sakura safe and be careful," said Naruto. "Ok," said Kiba looking around. "Come on Gaara what happen to you being so strong," said Naruto trying to make him mad. "I am strong, and I will kill you," roared Gaara jumping at Naruto. Naruto and his clones did some hand seals and yelled out, "Fire Release: Fireball Technique," shooting a flaming ball out of their mouth. Each one hit Gaara as Naruto clones disappear. "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Gaara yelled out in pain as each fireball hit him. "Looks like all of my clones have run out of charka," said Naruto. "Then be careful with what you have left. I know making 100 clones takes a lot out of you," said Sasuke. "Hey, looks who talking you're the one who ran out of charka," said Naruto. "Yeah, but I had to fight this guy full power on my own for about a good half hour," said Sasuke. "Sorry I forgot," said Naruto. "UUUUHHH," roared Gaara forcing himself up once more. "What does it take to knock this guy down," said Naruto. "You can't win. I won't let you. Your reason can't be stronger than mine. I will prove my strength," yelled Gaara. "Reason for what?" asked Naruto. "To fight," yelled Gaara. "Will mine is for my friends. What yours's," said Naruto. "To show I exist," yelled Gaara. "What do you mean of course you exist. You shouldn't fight for a dumb reason like that," said Naruto. "No, my reason is strong. Yours is weak. I will win to show you," yelled Gaara. "Maybe you can beat me, but can you beat yourself," said Naruto doing hand seals. "What are you talking about," yelled Gaara. "Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique," yelled Naruto as Gaara no longer saw the real world but a repeat of his beloved uncle's death over and over and over again. "No this is the worst thing they could do to Gaara. If they keep this up, then he will surely go out of control!" thought Temari. "Please stop this for all of our sakes," yelled Temari jumping out from her hiding strop. "Why," demanded Naruto. "Well, you know my bother has the one tail inside of him right," said Temari. "Yeah, but what does that have to do with it" said Sakura holding a Kunai in one hand and healing Sasuke with the other. "Well, you know how strong powerful feeling of anger and hatred can make the tail beast take over," said Temari. "Yeah, but what about it," said Kiba holding a kunai in one hand and in the other a piece of sealing paper. "Well, my father had the only person Gaara trusted and loved our uncle try to kill Gaara to test his strength," said Temari with disgust. "That's horrible," interrupt Sakura. "Yes, but what makes it even worse is that my father makes my uncle say he willing did it on his own free will even though he was ordered to. And that was the thing that finally pushed him over the edge," said Temari. "How could your father do such an awful thing to his own son," demanded Naruto. "Yeah, what kind of father would do something like that to their own son," said Kiba. "An awful one," said Sakura. "I agree but your father must have had a reason," said Sasuke. "He did or at least this is the one that he thinks. Well, we have always been the weakest of the five nations, so my dad tried to turn Gaara into a super ninja with the one tail, but it failed and turned him into this," said Temari. "Alright I understand I will undo the jutsu," said Naruto getting ready to do that. "AAAHHHH...UUUUUUUUUHHHHHH," yelled Gaara the other side of his body was taken over by the one tail as he grew huge, but his body couldn't handle it and he passed out giving the one tail freedom to do want ever he what.

What will Naruto and his friends do to deal with this new form of Gaara. Does Zabuza stand a chance. Fine out in the next part

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