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What will happen now that Sasuke and Sakura have ran away find out by reading this new part.

"One room please." said Naruto looking at Jiraiya as he talked to a rather good-looking woman. "How many beds?" asked the person at the hotel desk. "Two beds." said Naruto as he took out some money. "Alright that will be $100 for the night." said the desk person. "Alright." said Naruto handing over the money.

"Pervy sage make sure your back in time for dinner." said Naruto as he headed up to their room. "Fine." said Jiraiya as he walked out of the hotel with the good-looking woman. Naruto walked up the stairs to his room as he thought, "He better be back for dinner."


20 or so minutes later

"Oh, good he's finally back. The girl must have realized what he was like." thought Naruto as he heard knocking on his door. Naruto looked up through the peephole just to be safe and jumped back from the door in both a bit of fear and shock.

Why because waiting outside his door was Itachi. "What should I do. Does he want to talk to me about something or is he here for Jiraiya. I know he was forced to kill his clan, but I need to be on the safe side." thought Naruto as he turned into a rug and a clone of him appeared.

"Hello Itachi." said Naruto clone opening his door. "Hello Naruto, now then would you mind coming with us?" asked Itachi as he moved aside to show someone else. That someone else was Kisame the shark of the mist who was giving him quite a smile. "Yeah no." said Naruto clone as he turned and ran into the room.

"You can't run from us in your room." said Kisame as he and Itachi walked towards the clone. "Yeah, but nor can you escape." said the clone smiling. "Huh what do you mean we got you trapped." said Kisame as he slowly drew his blade.

"No, you have my clone trap." said Naruto clone as the real Naruto appeared once more and ran out of the room. He closed the door behind him as he placed sealing tags all over the wall. "Man, I don't think I have ever been so happy to have sealing tags." thought Naruto as he finished and channeled charka into the tags.

"Now I got to run." thought Naruto right before Kisame ran through the door and pinned Naruto to the other wall. 'How?" Naruto managed to choke out. "You forgot about my blade." said a smirking Kisame. "And you forgot about my legs." smiled Naruto as they both unleased two kicks of wind right at him.

Kisame let go of Naruto as he tried to deal with the blood that was now falling down his body. "Kisame you're stupid. Our report said he was at least low jonin level." said Itachi as he walked up to Naruto. "Yeah, bye guys." said Naruto as he ran away.

"Yeah, well you're letting him get away." said Kisame as he started to run after Naruto. "No, I just like giving my enemy false hope." said Itachi as both he and Kisame appeared right in front of Naruto. "And they say I'm mean." said Kisame as he held his blade at Naruto neck.

"No handsigns." said Itachi as Naruto started to make them. "Good they brought it." thought Naruto as he smirked. "Why you smirking kid." said Kisame getting mad. "Because you didn't notice my dog." said Naruto as Atlas knocked Kisame sword away from Naruto.

Naruto rolled back and made the fastest his handseals in his life. "Fire Release: Fireball Technique." yelled Naruto shooting a ball of flames out of his mouth right at Itachi and Kisame. "You really don't think much of us kid." said Kisame as both he and Itachi reappeared right behind Naruto.

Naruto didn't say anything as he ran right at the fireball. "What are you doing now kid. Laughed Kisame as if this was just some kind of game. "Leaving." said Naruto as the fireball hit the wall destroying it. "Huh." said Kisame as Naruto jumped out of a two-story building.

"Man, I hope this works." thought Naruto as he weaved handseals. "Wind release: basic flight!" yelled Naruto right before he hit the ground. He then shot up through the air until he was high above everyone else. "This is going to be fun." thought Kisame with a smile. "You truly have gotten stronger." thought a somewhat proud Itachi.

"Itachi I'm going to kill you." yelled Sasuke jumping down from a nearby roof, his hand covered in lightning as he began to run full speed at Itachi. "Sasuke be careful." yelled Sakura as she rushed at Kisame. "No both of you run! We don't stand a chance!" yelled Naruto. "Then help us." yelled Sakura as she reached Kisame.

Kisame smiled at her. A smile of sheer bloodlust. "Let's have some fun." said Kisame as he stabbed at Sakura. Key word being "at" because Sakura ducked under the sword as she tried to stab him in the chest.

"Aright Sasuke you handle Itachi. Me and Sakura will deal with Kisame." yelled Naruto as landed on the ground and started to make hand seals. Sakura tried to stab Kisame with a kunai only to be kicked away.

"I thought even you would be stronger than this by now." said Itachi coldly as he grabbed Sasuke arm not even caring about the lightning. Itachi then started to press on Sasuke arm as he said, "Now it is time to teach you why that was a dumb move."

Sasuke tried to escape only to have Itachi throw him into a wall like he was a ragdoll. Sasuke yelled out in pain as he slammed into the wall weirdly breaking one of his arms. "Get up Sasuke. You wanted to kill me didn't you. But I guess you don't have enough hate." said Itachi turning away from Sasuke.

"Come back here right now. Let me show you how much hate I have." roared Sasuke charging at Itachi while dragging his broken arm with him. "You still don't have enough." said Itachi as he kicked Sasuke into the wall, breaking it.

"Now Itachi shouldn't you be a bit kinder to your little brother." said Jiraiya as he appeared right behind Itachi. "Kisame run. We stand no chance if the toad sage is here." yelled Itachi as both he and Kisame disappeared.

"Come back here Itachi!" yelled Sasuke. "Good thing I arrive in time otherwise things would have been a lot worse." thought Jiraiya in relief. "Sasuke, Sakura don't run away like that" huffed out Might Guy running in with a trail of dust following him.  

What will happen with the new people who just arrived find out next time.

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