Saving Kakashi

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The fights are all over, but is Kakashi fine. Well you saw the title so you know the answer to that. So lets see if Kakashi can be saved or if we lose our favorite white-haired man (aside from Gojo of course). So lets read to find out. 

"Over here," shouted Naruto at Zabuza and Haku. He had found a small clearing in the woods where he had set up camp while looking over Kakashi. His Sensei still wasn't doing any better. His skin was pale and sweat rolled down his face in torrents. His breathing was harsh, struggling for each breath.

"How's Kakashi?" asked Zabuza sitting down next to Naruto who sat near Kakashi. His wounds had been healed rather well by Haku. A kunai wound is easy to treat, and the explosion only caused surface level damage. "Not good. He's been like this for the last 20 minutes and I haven't seen any improvement."

"Was your foe really that strong to push Kakashi this far?" asked Haku joining the other two. "No... Well kind of. The Masked Man just kept on insulting him and saying that he killed his teammates. He could also phase through all of our attacks; I don't think I landed a single hit in the entire fight."

"Not one. Hmm, that must be an impressive jutsu he has." said Zabuza. "But insulting Kakashi like that...It's a hell of a way to win a fight." "What?" asked a surprise Naruto. "Must Ninjas have a lot of skeletons in their closet. Kakashi's is the death of all of his teammates. Something like that changes a man and being remind of that is a foul yet effective strategy to win a battle."

"I didn't think that the Akatsuki would be so underhanded." said Haku. "And to think that they had so much information on Kakashi." "Not that surprising. If they thought Leaf Ninjas were coming their first guess was likely Jiraiya, then Kakashi." said Zabuza. "Right now, that's not the issue," injected Naruto. "The issue right now is getting my Sensei back to normal."

"Welp, I'll see you later then," said Zabuza standing up. "Huh, why are you leaving?" demanded Naruto. "Tct, brat think for just a second. I can't help you heal your Sensei and the Akatsuki might have sent reinforcements. I'll be on watch; don't worry I won't go far."

"Haku, can you help him?" asked Naruto. He knew the Ice Ninja was well trained in herbal lore and wasn't a bad healer either when it came down to it. "I can help with his lack of charka and any wounds he might have but I can't do anything for mental issues." Naruto gave a short nod of his head as he began to walk away. "I got to talk to someone, I'll be close though."

Plopping down just out of the way Naruto closed his eyes. Opening them he saw that he was at Kurama's prison. "I'm sorry, I couldn't save your sister," apologized Naruto to the demon fox. "No, there's no need for that," came the gruff voice of Kurama. "But..."

"Yes, I did want you to save my sister, but you were no match for that man." Naruto's eyes widened at that statement. Someone he wasn't a match for. While he was definitely not the strongest guy ever, he could still battle on the level of Kages. Even during his fight, he felt that if he could just land one hit then the battle would turn in his favor. "Do you know who that guy was?"

"No." Naruto sat disappointed by the news, but Kurama wasn't finished yet. "But he does remind me of Marada Uchiha." "...I get that he's strong but...Well Marada was the First Hokage's only rival. And the First Hokage was the strongest shinobi in history. I get that's he's strong but theirs's no way he's on the same level as Marada." said Naruto heavily disagreeing.

"No, that man did not show his true power Naruto. With the power to phase through attacks you don't need to have the striking power of a god. But he surely does. When I gave you my charka you were likely stronger than you are in Sage Mode. That Rasengan you made using my charka is stronger than the one you add wind release to. Yet even though your attack could shatter mountains it didn't hit him. He could toy around with you. Right now, you're no threat to him. So, until you can beat that man, you're not ready for the battle that is undoubtably coming."

"Fine, I'll get that stronger then. I'll surpass that level of power entirely and become even stronger than Hashirama if that's what it takes to defeat the Akatsuki." Claimed Naruto. "You have to, if you want to win," stated Kurama as Naruto opened his eyes for real.

Light flooded into his eyes, as he began to walk over to Haku. "How's he doing?" he asked. "Better, but worse," answered Haku. "Huh that doesn't make any sense Haku?" said a clearly confused Naruto. "His body's doing better but his mind...Well a battle is raging there. A battle I can't help with," said Haku as he pressed a cold piece of ice, he made down on Kakashi's forehead.

"Can I help out in his battle?" asked Naruto as Haku looked at him. "Maybe, the battle is entirely mental. So, if you can't find a way to reach out to him from here then you have no way of helping him." "Don't worry I can help him," stated Naruto as Haku stood up. "I know you can," said Haku as he began to walk away to keep watch.

Waiting until Haku was out of range, Naruto began to talk. "Sensei...I know that those words must weight hard on you. I know that the burden of your teammates death have never left you. I know that every day you wonder if there was something you could have done differently, you wonder if there was something you could have done to stop it. You still grieve their loss to this day. I know that you wish they were back...But they aren't going to come back."

Naruto waited after that not sure on what he must say, only knowing that he must talk again. He would arouse his Sensei from his slumber. He knew that, and he knew he wouldn't give up until he did. Placing a hand over his headband, he took it off. Holding it next to his heart, he finally found his voice again.

"It's thanks to you and Jiraiya that I have this headband. The headband of the hidden leaf. The headband that started my journey to become Hokage. It's because of you that I stand by your side right now. It's because of you that Sasuke has been able to overcome the death of his clan. The betrayal of his brother and finding out the hidden truth about him. It's because of you that Sakura is no longer a mindless fangirl. She's a brave Kunoichi and Medic. She has become a great Ninja and person because of you."

Naruto took a deep breath as he finished talking. His Sensei seemed to be hearing him. No, Naruto knew Kakashi could hear him. He could just feel it inside of himself. His Sensei heard every word, every letter, and he was taking it all in. But he also knew that his Sensei still needed more words to awake him.

"You have lost your teammates and rival Kakashi-Sensei. But you have gained new ones. Guy is always happy to challenge you to a race, or fight, or any other type of competition. Sakura, Sasuke, and Me are always there for you as well...You have lost your teammates Sensei, but that doesn't mean you don't have new ones."

Kakashi's eyes swung open, as Naruto final words echoed in his mind. The first sight he saw was the kind smile of his Teammate. "Don't worry Sensei, I won't let you lose any more Teammates." Tears fell now Kakashi's face as he wrapped Naruto in a hug. "Thank you...My Teammate." 

Yay Kakashi has been freed from his fear of his own past. This is what the whole arc has been building up to, so I hope you liked it. So please vote if you liked the part it helps out a ton. Let me know if you have any questions or request in the comments.

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