The talk

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This is a short part but I hope you all like it just the same 

Naruto let out another small groan of pain as his first day came to an end. He had put everything he had into his training. He had made over 100 clones, each one trying to make it in a different way Kurama had told him to try.

"You know she might have been right." whispered Kurama trying to get Naruto fired up again. "Oh, shut up fox. The hag isn't right. No one that doubts me is right."

Naruto heard Kurama laugh echo throughout his mind after his statement. "What's so funny?" asked Naruto truly wondering why. "The fact that no matter who it is, no matter how strong they are you can always think up a nickname for them that is both true and insulting."

"Huh yeah I guess that is quite funny." said Naruto letting out a laugh. "Now back on your feet I didn't say it was break time." said Kurama. "Yes sir." said Naruto as he forced himself to keep on going.

Jiraiya watched hidden from sight in a dark shadow under a tree. He was of course still mad about the dumb bet Naruto had made but he knew his godson wouldn't fail him.

He could see how hard he was working, and he was forced to ambit that Naruto, no matter how it may look on the outside, was always going to try his hardest.

He smiled as he saw Naruto force himself up guessing that the fox had something to do with it. He might not have been able to hear it, but he had talked to him enough with the help of Naruto to know that it really did care for the kid.

But as he was thinking about all that he felt movement. It might have been through the very air itself or through the grass on which he stood but his years as a ninja told him someone was sneaking up behind him.

"I know your there." whispered Jiraiya as he started to turn around. "I wasn't trying to hide from you." said Shizune. "And I know better than to try." "I see she at least taught you something." said Jiraiya now facing Shizune.

"Yes, she did but please don't judge her she isn't in a good state." "Yeah, and she has been for the last 10 years." said Jiraiya with a small bit of anger heard in his voice.

"She went through a lot." said Shizune trying to defend her master. "Yes, so have I, so has sensei, so has the kid but we're still here." "It wasn't someone you loved." shouted Shizune digging herself into a deep hole.

Jiraiya let out a small laugh filled with pain. He then looked back at Shizune who couldn't help but step back in fear at the look. "I loved Sensei like the father I never had. Naruto lost his family before he was even and hour old and now, he had lost his grandfather. You say we don't know pain!"

"I'm sorry I spoke in haste." said Shizune realizing how awful what she said was. "It's fine. Me and the kid can deal with it. So, what did you even come here for?" asked Jiraiya calming back down.

"Tsunade see's Naruto as someone who has the same dumb dream as her bother and lover." "I know I heard her shouting that yesterday." said Jiraiya wondering what she was getting to.

"Yes, but she also can't even bear to see him suffer because of that she just wants the light of hope in his eyes to disappear, she wants him to live a long life to make up for their short ones." explained Shizune as Jiraiya tried to hold in a laugh.

But he failed and he let out a loud and mighty laugh that even Naruto could hear. "What are you laughing about no.," shouted Naruto. "Don't worry about it." Jiraiya shouted back.

"Thank I don't want him to hear but why were you laughing." "Because trying to put out the boy's hope is impossible. He has been mocked for all his life by then for that hope, but he still has it." said Jiraiya with a fond little smile on his face.

"Why has he been mocked so much?" asked Shizune worried for the boy. "Because they think he's just a piece of trash that should die." "Why would they think of him like that!" said an alarm Shizune.

"Because he holds the nine tails." said Jiraiya with a grim look on his face. "So that was the killing intent I felt yesterday." said a shocked Shizune. "Yeah, anything else you got to say?" asked Jiraiya.

"No but I wish you luck on his training." said Shizune leaving. "I guess I know want side you're on now." said Jiraiya smiling a bit with the small victory. "Yes, you do." said Shizune as she disappeared into the woods.


7 days later

"Finally!" shouted Naruto as he finally mastered the rasengan. It had been a long 7 days filled with pain for him. But even with the Abu doing everything they could he still mastered the jutsu. "Just got to show it to the hag now." thought Naruto as he began his walk to where she was staying.


"Sir he mastered the jutsu." said an Abu. "Kill her now then!" ordered Tiger as they began their hunt.  

What will happen next time will they all live will someone die find out next time

Naruto the true godson of JiraiyaWhere stories live. Discover now