Land of Waves

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Sorry the story is a bit late again you know school and everything. And I know i'm sticking to cannon so far but I think after the chunin exams or the time skip that will change.

"What do you mean we have to mow someone yard," demanded Naruto. The third and Kakashi could just keep in their laugh. "I think he means that we have to get a lawnmow and mow the lawn," said Sasuke and looking at Naruto reacts he laughed. "But why do we have to mow a lawn to begin with," asked Naruto. "Well seeing how you have just become shinobi you will not begin with shinobi battles but with chores until you are ready for a real mission," said Kakashi. "Oh fine but when will we get a cool mission," asked Naruto. "When I decide so," said Kakashi. They had just finished mowing the lawn, or you could say the genin had just finished mowing the lawn. Kakashi said, "you seem to already be able to work as a team fairly well so I will now teach you charka control." "Like what," asked Sakura. "Like walking on trees," said Kakashi as he did just that. On Saruka first try she easily master it on her first try. Kakashi said, "well I did not expect that but let's move on to water walking." Kakashi then showed them how to water walk and explained how to do it.


"No, I am sick of doing boring D rank mission can we do a C rank one," said Naruto. "Well, what do you think Kakashi do you think they can take a C rank," asked the Hokage. "Yes, I believe so," said Kakashi. "Well, we have a C rank mission that I think would be good for your team," said the Hokage. "Well, what is the mission," asked Kakashi. "You have to keep a bridge builder safe," said the Hokage. "Well, I think that is a safe mission for them I agree," said Kakashi. "Very well here is the man who hired us to do it meet Tazuna," said the third. "These little brats are supposed to keep me safe," said the dunked Tazuna as he went to take a sip from his bottle. Naruto did some hand seal and said, "Blade of Wind," as Tazuna bottle was cut in half. "Naruto you do not attack the client," said Kakashi. "I wasn't attacking him I was showing him what I could do if I wanted to attack him, he would be dead," said Naruto. "Stop trying to act cool like Sasuke," said Sakura. "Meet at the east gate the next day at 8 sharp," said Kakashi as he left.


Naruto met up with Sakura, Sasuke, Tazuna, and Kakashi at the east gate full of hope because this was his first time outside of the village. "Good you arrive Naruto now we can get on our way," said Kakashi. "Why are you so later," demand Sakura. "What do you mean I am right on time Sakura it is 8 on the dot," said Naruto. "Don't make up reason Naruto," yelled Sakura. "Sakura leave him alone," said Sasuke. "Of course," said Sakura. "Does she really have to go on this mission," asked Tazuna. "I am afraid so," said Naruto before Kakashi could say anything. "What that supposed to mean," yelled Sakura. "What it means," said Sasuke which got Naruto laughing. "Come on lets get a move on team before Noon," said Kakashi with a little smile under his mask because he could see this team was going to work out fine. Why? Because he knows that once they begin to tease each other they have become friends.


Naruto was really starting to get bored. This might have been his first time outside of the village and he was happy in the beginning, but it was just trees and that soon started getting boring. He starts talking to Sasuke which makes him happy because before Sakura was the only person he could talk to. While they were talking Naruto saw a puddle which surprised him because they had not seen a puddle in all the miles they had walked so far. He points it out to Sasuke who told him to get on guard which he agrees with. A few minutes later the demon bothers jumped out of the puddle and caught Kakashi in their chain and pulled slicing him in half. Naruto and Sasuke seeing that had a small bit of disbelief but then charge the Demon bothers. Naruto did some hand seals and said, "shadow clone Jutsu," as 50 clones appeared. Sasuke tried to punch one of the Demon bothers, but they dodged and aimed a kick at Sasuke face. That was just what Sasuke and Naruto wanted as one of Naruto clones punched the Man in the face and then hit 4 of his charka points. The other Demon brother was trying to fight off Naruto and his clones, but he was failing and had 13 of his charka points closed. The Demon bother Sasuke was fighting and rushed at Tazuna. But Kakashi jumped out of a nearby tree and grabbed him and then knocked him unconscious. Naruto, with the help of Sasuke, soon ended his fight with the other Demon brother. "So Tazuna would you care to explain," said Kakashi. "Explain what," asked Sakura "And why did you make us think you were killed?" "I wanted to see what they were here for us or Tazuna," said Kakashi. "But the real question is why they are attacking Tazuna," said Naruto. "Yeah," said Sasuke. "Well do you know who Gatō," said Tazuna. "Of course, who hasn't heard of him," asked Naruto and Sasuke. "Well, Gatō uses the shiping Company, as a front for being a drug dealer and about a year ago he took over the Wave making life there awful and our only hope is the bridge so please you can't leave me, or I will die and the bridge will never be finished," said Tazuna. "I wouldn't leave instill the bridge is done," said Naruto. "And I won't leave Naruto to do it all on his own we know he would just fail," said Sasuke. "And I won't leave Sasuke with just Naruto," said Sakura. "Well, it would appear that I have to stay to help my team said," said Kakashi.


"Is this a normal amount of mist," asked Naruto because he could only see like 45 feet ahead of him. "Yeah," said Tazuna who was worried because by now he had learned that Naruto had good judgment about when a attack would come. Naruto and Sasuke heard a noise and threw a Shuriken at where they heard the noise. Sakura rushed over there only to see a bunny and said, "Naruto look at what you did you nearly killed this poor bunny." But then Kakashi said, "Get on the ground." Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura drove on to the ground as they heard something go right over their head and then heard something land in a nearby tree. When Naruto looked up, he heard Kakashi say, "The demon of the hidden Mist Zabuza Momochi." "Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan," said Zabuza as Kakashi revealed his Sharingan and said, "I won't let you kill the bridge builder, or my team so let's begin."  

I hope you all like it and i'm think of making another story that would mean you would get parts even slower so I will leave it to you guys to decide in the comments. After 2 week though I will decide. 

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