A newfound enemy

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What will happen now do to the deal what will happen to Naruto and Jiraiya find out in this part.

Naruto let out a groan of pain as he tried to get up. "I told you that you should have stopped an hour ago. And that was an hour ago!" said Jiraiya as he gave Naruto a hand up. Naruto grabbed on has he let out another groan of pain.

"Here just let me carry you." said Jiraiya putting Naruto on his back. "Thanks." groaned out Naruto. Naruto had near no charka or energy due to his training. Making this just what the nearby hidden Abu needed.


"Dragon get ready. This night we attack." said an Abu. "Yes sir." said Sai.


Later that night

Naruto felt a small gust of wind on his face as his tent was open. "Five more minutes." said Naruto in a sleepy voice feeling the wind on his face. He got no response.

"Pervy Sage." said Naruto slowly getting up out of his bedroll. As he sat all the way up something was pressed against his face. Whoever or whatever did it held it there for a minute before Naruto fell limp in its arm.

The person that pressed a black cloth against his face stood up behind him. It was an Abu wearing a tiger mask. The Abu grabbed Naruto, wrapping him in his arms. He then put one hand outside and held up his hand. A mere second later he bought it rushing down.


Jiraiya faked sleep. He saw 5 root Abu slowly circling around his tent. He didn't know what was going on but his years as a ninja told him to wait. So, he waited letting them get into position.

As soon as they were all in position they were no longer there. They were in fact pointing blades right at his neck. "You move you die!" said an Abu removing his blade. He then moved behind Jiraiya and whispered into his ear, "And so will the brat."

That was the wrong thing to say. Jiraiya was suddenly behind the Abu with a kunai on the neck of two of them. "If any of you move, I will not just kill them but all of you!" said Jiraiya coldly in a voice that could barely be heard.

But before the last word even left his mouth, they had launched their own attack. Jiraiya stabbed the two Abu with his kunais as he then disappeared once more. Appearing behind one of them he placed a seal on his back.

The Abu started to run at his teammates while throwing kunais at them. The other Abu dodged them until one of them landed a killing blow on him. Other one rushed him from behind while making hand seals.

But Jiraiya was faster. Far faster. Before the man finished his firsthand seal Jiraiya had finished his and appeared behind him. "Die in flames!" said Jiraiya spitting out a huge fireball. The Abu tried to dodge but it was too fast, and he was dead in a second.

The other Abu didn't say anything. He merely raised a hand with an odd seal on it. Jiraiya stopped dead in his tracks about to kill the Abu.

"As a seal master you know what this does." said the Abu. He got a nod from Jiraiya. "Good this life seal is with Naruto. So, if you kill me, he will die. And if you try to save him, I will kill myself and he will die."

"I see. A deadlock. So, what do you want for his freedom." said Jiraiya calming himself down using all of his years as a ninja. "Simple we want you to give the hat to our leader. If you do that, we will give Naruto back." said the Abu calmly.

"No deal Naruto can handle himself. All I got to do is get rid of that seal on your hand." said Jiraiya smirking. The Abu went for his kunai to kill himself, but he was too slow. "Too slow." said Jiraiya knocking him out and getting to work.


"Naruto wake up!" said Kurama right into Naruto mind. "Wha..Is it." Naruto barely got out before falling asleep again. "Naruto wake up! You're being kidnapped!" screamed Kurama into Naruto head. "What!?" shouted Naruto in the real world.

"He's wake already!" said Sai. He sounded calm but if you looked hard enough, you would see that he was surprised and a bit in fear. "Damnit! I blew any cover I had. Got to make the best of this." thought Naruto jumping up, landing on his feet.

"What the?" said Naruto looking around him. He was a good way up in the air, but that wasn't what had surprised him. What surprised him was that they were on a huge ink bird.

Tiger rushed right at Naruto holding the black cloth again. Naruto reached under Tiger's arm grabbing it. Naruto then used Tiger's arms to flip him over. Or that was what he tried to do, but that wasn't what happened.

Tiger dropped the cloth into his other hand down below. He then pushed the cloth into Naruto's face again. Naruto once more felt sleep come over him but this time, he fought it.

Naruto grabbed a kunai and stabbed Tiger in his side. Tiger fell back dropping the cloth. Naruto gave them a smile as he jumped off the bird. "Wind release: basic flight." shouted Naruto having fallen a great amount already.

Sai tore a scroll from his back as he jumped off the bird after Naruto. Sai opened the scroll and began to draw calmly as he fell through the air.

"How the hell is this kid so calm?" shouted to himself. "Simple Abu training." said Kurama. "Super Beast Imitating Drawing." said Sai placing his hand on the scroll. Another huge, ink bird jumped out from the scroll.

The bird flew under Sai allowing him to sort of fly. "Oh, you got to be kidding me!" shouted Naruto with a bit of anger. Sai didn't care as both he and the bird rushed forth at Naruto. "Well, here we go." thought Naruto also rushing forth. 

What will happen now during this air battle how will this affect there real goal find out next time

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