Chunin Exams first stage

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Here is the new part.

"Now then this Stage is a written an exam to see how smart you are. There are ten Questions the first nine are going to be given to you and after all the time is up, I will tell you the tenth question. Every time you are caught cheating, we will knock off a point and once all ten points are knocked off you will be taken out of the exam, and you will have failed. Any question," said Ikibi. Many people raised their hands, but Ibiki just said, "Good you have an hour."

Sakura seeing the paper, could not believe how hard it was. There could only be a few people in this room who could answer them. Sakura started to do the test as she saw that many people could not do it.

Kiba looked down at the paper and his first thought was what the hell how are we supposed to know this. But he then looked down at Akamaru and came up with an idea. He told Akamaru to get on top of his head and tell him what other people wrote down for their answers. Akamaru happily jumped on Kiba head and began doing his task.

Hinata looked at the test in front of her and got to work at answering the question. Hinata saw many people try to cheat off of her paper but they were all caught.

Trenten the teammate of Rock Lee seeing that she could not answer any of the questions set up a ton of mirrors which she could use to look at someone's answer and send them to her teammate without getting caught.

Rock Lee looked up and saw the mirror set up began copying down the answers.

Neji, the other Teammate of Rock Lee, seeing the mirror set up also began copying down the answers.

Shikamaru seeing that he could not answer any of the questions, decided to go to sleep.

Choji seeing that he also could not answer any of the questions, decided to start eating the bags of chips he bought with him.

Ino not knowing the answer to any of the questions did not know what to do. But she then saw how fast Sakura was going through the test which made her smile. Ino then used the Mind Body Change Technique on Sakura. Ino in the body of Sakura looked down at the test that was done and began to copy it down in her mind. After she finished doing that Ino released Sakura and began writing down the answers. She then used the Mind Body Change Technique on Choji to write down the answers on his test and then she did it to Shikamaru as well.

Sasuke could not answer any of the questions on the test. But seeing that many people were writing down answers he used his Sharingan to copy what they wrote down without getting caught.

Naruto could only answer the first 2 questions before he did not know the answer. Naruto thought about what Ikibi said earlier about the point cheat thing. He found it weird that you could cheat up to ten times but that is when he realizes it. Naruto came up with a plan. Naruto waited until 5 people of which Kankurō was among went to the bathroom. Naruto asked if he could go to the bathroom, and they let him go with a guard to make cheating harder. When Naruto entered the bathroom, he made 15 shadow clones. Naruto had 5 of them use the Transformation Jutsu to turn into the people who enter the bathroom. He them made the other 10 clones deal with the people who were already there and keep them from going back to the testing room. Naruto had his five clones that Transformation leave and head back to the test room. Naruto clones took their seats at where who they were pretending to be would sit. 2 of them had finished their test one of which was Kankurō the other one Naruto did not know. But the clone who was pretending to be Kankurō then began the second stage of Naruto plan.

Ikibi was watching them take the test and had noticed many different forms of cheating people were using. He saw what Sasuke was doing, Ino, and Tenten but they were doing very well he had to admit. But he heard someone shout out, "This test is so easy I can't believe this is the first stage of the chunin exams." Ikibi when over to see who had said that and said, "If so you won't mind me taking a look at your test." "Of course, you can look at it for however long you like," said Kankurō who Ikibi just realized was the one saying it. Ikibi walked over and took a look at the paper and saw that all of the answers were correct. Kankurō whispered into his ear, "Kabuto is a spy." Ikibi was surprised but his long time as a ninja kept him from reacting and he whispered, "How do I know I can trust you." Kankurō whisper, "Naruto Uzumaki house the Nine tails that should be enough info to let you know you can trust me." Ikibi turned and walked away smiling to himself. He knew that only people the Hokage trust or Naruto does could know that fact at that age. So he knew that he could trust that statement.

Temari could not believe how dumb her brother was when he yelled that out.

All of Naruto clones suddenly asked to go to the bathroom which they were allowed to. When they reach the bathroom they all when to find the real Naruto. When they found him the two of the clones who knew the answers told him them. The clone as Kankurō said, "I have delivered the info to Ikibi." "Good now dispel," said the real Naruto. All of his clones then dispel. The real people Naruto had his clones pretend to be then left the bathroom. Naruto then left the bathroom and came back and then answered all of the questions on the test. Naruto had done all of that in 2 minutes. Naruto then waited for the 10th and final question. When the hour was up Ikibi said, "Allright put your pens down. Now here are the rules of the 10th and final question you can leave right now but if you stay and fail you can never take the Chunin exams again!" "What your not allowed to do that," said someone. Ibiki used his killing intent on him and said, "I am in charge, so I make the rules so leave if you are too scared to do it. You will have 10 minutes to leave or stay." After the first 5 minutes 30 people had left the room Ibiki had a huge smirk on his face looking at it and he said, "Well it appears that you are all weak minded doesn't it." That made Naruto really mad, and he roared out, "Oh wipe that god dammed smirk off your face I will not leave this room until the end of the first stage. Rank does not matter. It does not show your strength and I will become Hokage even if I am a genin forever." Ibiki smiled to himself and thought I think I know who that Kankurō was. Ibiki said, "Well we will see won't we. But after the next 5 minutes passed no one left, boosted by what Naruto said. Ibiki said after the rest of the time passed, "You have all passed." "Say what," yelled out Temari. "It is quite simple really the point of this is to force us to apply critical thinking. Try to gather the answers from someone else such as the few of us who know the answers or if I had to guess more likely the Chunin who are also here for us to cheat off of. And we have passed because the real reason of the 10th question is to see if we are willing to risk everything for our village by going on a damages mission that is very important isn't that right Ibiki," said Naruto looking up at him. Everyone in the room other then Ibiki was shocked at what Naruto just said. Ibiki just laughed and said, "Kid you hit the head on nail. Ye that is right could the five chunin hidden among you step forward." five people stepped forth and did a bow. When at that time a wrecking ball came though one of the walls with a woman who jumped off of it and said smiling, "I am Anko Mitarashi I am the proctor the second stage and I will be the cause of your death!"  

Thank you guys for reading it because we are so close to 500 views thank you all

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